Swede held for building nuclear reactor in his kitchen
Todd 08-02-2011
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The man began his experiment some six months ago and has reportedly been open about his plans to construct a nuclear reactor in his apartment in the small Swedish coastal town, maintaining a blog of his nuclear adventure.

The man, who explained that his interest in nuclear physics was awakened as a teenager, ordered some radioactive material from overseas and acquired more by taking apart a domestic fire alarm.

Despite the man's frank and full disclosure of his experiment, his activities only came to the attention of the authorities a couple of weeks ago when he contacted the Swedish Radiation Authority (Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten) to inquire if it was legal to construct a nuclear reactor at home.

The man was told that somebody would be sent to measure the levels of radiation in his flat. 

"When they came they had the police with them. I have had a Geiger counter and have not detected a problem with radiation," the 31-year-old told the local Helsingborgs Dagblad (HD).

The man was arrested by the police and taken in for questioning. He admitted to his plans and was later released. 

He told the newspaper that had he succeeded in building a nuclear reactor, generating any power would probably have proved beyond him.

"To get it to generate electricity you would need a turbine and a generator and that is very difficult to build yourself," he told HD.

The man is reported to have spent around 6,000 kronor ($950) on his project and after all his equipment was seized in the raid, he has confirmed that in the future he intends to focus on the "theoretical" aspects of nuclear physics.

Todd 08-02-2011
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Two things I have to say here. First is dang I did not know it was illegal to buid a nuclear reactor in my kitchen. I now have to dissasemble my reactor. I just got it to cook my toast just right and I was working on my hard boiled eggs.

Second If the Swedes can build a kitchen reactor why cant we raise our prices and start making money pumping concrete???

Many 08-02-2011
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that's funny

Many 08-02-2011
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it's nuclear man


ALMIMA 08-03-2011
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Hahaha, i´m not surprised - we in Sweden have alot of inventors. But i´ve not heard about this guy, even though i live in Sweden. Lucky for him that he don´t live in USA, then he get a penalty to lifetime in prison. He´s penalty in Sweden will be maximum: 2 weeks lumberpicking along the verge. Then the Swedish government feel sorry for him and give him freedom and money to complete his project. That´s how it works in Sweden.

Todd 08-03-2011
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Yep i heard they let him go already and said that he was not trying to do anything that was bad and that he was an honest guy.