Swings 2520-8 high output pump kit.
getRdone 04-05-2010
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Just curious if anybody has a link or info on the 2520-8 pump kit from swing. Checked the website and cant seem to find out anything as to why they made such a beast or more info on the machine. Anything would be helpfull.

gboom 04-05-2010
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they only build 8 units in this configuration, actually 2525-8, all went to Brundage Bone

Vasa 04-05-2010
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Do yo mean 2525-H pump with long-rock ? Thats a good pump , it will pump nearly everything you put in the hopper . I ran one for 8 years , know i operates a Putz...

getRdone 04-06-2010
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The one I am running is one at BB. Its a 2525-8. I got the nimber wrong. All the pipe hangers on the 2nd section have been fixed by swing. I thought this was from pumping to hard through system but I heard it was cause the pump kit when switched to high flow that the boom wasnt made for it. The same thing happened to another one we had at my last company. My question is why only the 2nd section on both pumps but not the rest. Also why would BB want something to pump that fast? Was it to pump something else than concrete or just a whos got the baddest pump thing?

Doug 04-06-2010
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BB doesn't have them all. Our last 52 came with a 2525-8 pump kit. It's as fast or faster then our .20H pumps. We don't have any boom bracket issues. It runs smooth and NEVER gets hot. We have had it on mat foundations side by side with our .20H kits and it's just as good if not better than the .20H. The Putz pumps harsher mix better (fills the cylinders better on low slump 1-1/2" mixes) but it's close. 

rusty22 04-06-2010
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I had the same thing happen on the putz. but i broke all the pipe hangers on A sec.But i was doing a mat pour wide open at 260 an hour for 5 hr

getRdone 04-06-2010
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tHE PUMPS AN ANIMAL DONT GET ME WRONG, but why the hell do you need to go over 200 yrds an hour? I thought they broke cause we always pumped through alot of system but when i heard swing would actually make a pump kit that is to fast for the pipe hangers and if they did how many of these animals are out there? The pump is great and eats anything I throw at it. I been asked to turn it down when i was on 6 on the dial many a times know so its making me think if the kits to much and being a little easy on the boom. Great pump overall besides no storage on it anywhere unless you mount a box somewhere.

getRdone 04-06-2010
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Hey rusty were your turret clamp bolts all tight cause if not them jerking back and forth could of caused the breakage of the hangers. I heard putz hangers have a inner cylinder that they are welded to so when they break its the hanger and not the boom. Man does putz think of it all or are they gonna let us operators get one up on them?????

JDR47 04-06-2010
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I know for sure that Austin Commercial / Bridge&Road have a 52m with the 2525-8 pump kit. Last I heard it was in the Dallas yard.

getRdone 04-07-2010
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whos dallas yard?

JDR47 04-07-2010
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Dallas Texas, but I talked to my friend and he is back to running it. That pump is located in the Austin Texas yard. He hasn't had any problems with cracking pipe hangers, he runs it full speed a lot of the times.

Make sure your pipe is in line when you replace 'em. You shouldn't have to force it to line up to clamp it. If everything clamps up easy then you won't be causing too much stress on the pipe hangers causing them to break.

getRdone 04-07-2010
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Very true. But is yours in high output mode? Running it in normal wide open is ok but high output you get 60 more yards an hour out of it.

typesdubs 04-07-2010
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What's the specs on the 2525-8 Pumpkit?

16 CELL 04-08-2010
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is the 2525-8 the same 10" cylinder and 98" stroke as the 2525-5/2525-6 kit, only with more strokes per minute???

getRdone 04-08-2010
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i think so but i think the 2525-5 has a shorter stroke.