System mods and money
Rev 01-30-2013
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So Im pretty well maxed out but think there is a bunch of things I would like to do with my new line pump

Like maybe mount a water tank and compressor to it as well build a rack aroung to carry hoses and clamps

Fortunetly I can dedicate a pick up truck to my  pump But boy it would be nice to be able to hook up and go knowing everything I need is on the pump all the time and to not have to buy another truck right away would be nice  Anybody got any pics of some pumps loaded up with everything  I can go welden stuff all over it but Id like to stay away from the trial and error as much as i can Anything and everything Ive got from this site has been great Please continue the comraderie amongst you guys seems great as a finisher im used to cuttin throats and cuttin prices so this is really new and enjoyable to get quality feedback A sincere thanks to you startin to feel a little more optomistic about this upcoming venture 

Mister_Perkins 01-30-2013
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convert the pickup into a trailer!

crete 01-30-2013
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something like this?

Mister_Perkins 01-30-2013
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I like that setup!

thinksnow 01-30-2013
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have a small gas portable dewalt AC you can carry an old alum water tank from a wrecked mixer and under bed boxes for clamps n reducers etc

thinksnow 01-30-2013
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the water tank has a heat exchanger in it that runs off of the engine  i also wrap the tank with fan fold

Goose2448 01-30-2013
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Call me crazy, young, or dumb, but I love my F550 Service Body set up I have going.  It's a little work to get the hoses in the back of the truck, but I carry 375' of 2" line in the bed along with 300' of 3/4" water hose, 10 gals of hydro oil, 10 gals of diesel, spare for the truck and pump, diesel sprayer, cooler, and from time to time a pressure washer.  I also have all my clamps for the 2" and 3" system, all reducers elbows and system related stuff.  Carry couple cases of greese, many washout balls, slick willy packs, a vibrator, I also carry a full set of tools, extra oil's hammers, saws, pump parts, truck parts, filters, and a lot of random crap.  Also have a 8500 watt gen set and 30 gal gas powered IR compressor on there.  And when I am not pumping, its towing a GN with all kinds of crap.  


I keep stuff off my pump because of the stupid axle that it has.  Way to easy to overload it.  Plus I want everybody to see envy how clean it is.  LMFAO  I can tell you how frustrating it is to show up to a job and not have a reducer....Best to have one truck for that.  Plus the beating it takes, don't want to wear out your daily driver.

Goose2448 01-30-2013
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This is my pump truck

Goose2448 01-30-2013
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And the bed, on a good day

Rev 01-30-2013
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That looks clean most wouldnt know what its for no concrete splashed on it Nice  Do you have a water tank?

Rev 01-30-2013
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Ya that looks like what I was thinkin but lookin at it and others Im startin to change my ming  Maybe dedicate a flat deck truck to the trailer might be my style  Thanks for the pics Savin me time and money for certain

Goose2448 01-31-2013
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No water tank for me.  That's why I have 300' of water hose.  Most of our jobs have water on site, or we pull from a neighbor or something.  I have had to use the truck's water, but we know in adavance if we need too.  I know the flat decks are easier, but having used our flatbed chevy that tows GN's as my backup pump truck, I would not want a flat bed for a pump truck.  It's easier to put the hoses up there, but not much.  And it all has to be strapped down and its just a pain for me.  Just throw all the crap in the back and off I go.  

crete 01-31-2013
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Water tank with a pressure washer makes quick work of hopper clean up.Mine has a 2" quick dump into the hopper to fill it up with clean water to pump thru hose with sponge.I hate begging water from anyone.

thinksnow 01-31-2013
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your an idiot if u rely on another water supply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thinksnow 01-31-2013
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i did that service body when i started went to a flat bed with racks and only use 1 strap! no climbing and my AC i can carry to clean the lines out if needed. ive done 3 jobs in 1 day and never had to fill up u need a generator for a refridge in the tool box.  that pic of the trl is nice also any trk any time

Goose2448 01-31-2013
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I guess the difference is that I am friends with all the concrete truck drivers, and everyone else's boss basically. I get what I want or need.  And I know all of my jobs, because I am there before I pump when I deliever the equiptment and materials to the job.  No place for a water tank on that truck.  Still have to have clearance to swing the Goose Neck around.  And besides, I am already close to 40K pounds with a loaded trailer on that truck, a water tank would just be more weight I don't need.  But I do like the direct dump into the hopper.  There is nothing more frustrating than having a slow water connection. 

Goose2448 01-31-2013
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I have the genset to power lights, saws, drills,viborator, what ever may be needed on the job.  Remember this truck is more than just a pump truck.  Its a service truck, pump truck, Trailer puller, and whateverneeds to be done.  Nothing beats being able to roll up on a job and go, Yeah I got that, got that too.  What else you need? 


We were setting up a pipe stack on a job, and the power went out.  Needed it to run the drill to install the Redheads for the pipe clamps.  So we dropped a cord down to the truck and fired up the genny.  Kept putting up the pipe stack.  Or night pours, run a light to the hopper so they can see what's in it.  

Goose2448 01-31-2013
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I also do this with my pump truck

crete 01-31-2013
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to thinksnow how big of an air tank or how many cfm comp? would a small jobsite comp. work to clean hoses if I have a spare 60 gal. air tank? Do you rinse with water after you air blow with a sponge?

Goose2448 01-31-2013
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If I clean with air, its shake a bit out of the air side, and put a few gals of water in it.  Then the sponge ball which I push down as far as I can.  After that I fill the rest with water.  The sponge ball is also water soaked or soked in hydro/diesel.  makes for a well cleaned and lube system.  

thinksnow 01-31-2013
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crete if my pump wont suck the ball back (over 150ft) ill cap it and put air to it. ill follow the ball and stop it 20-30 ft from pump. release the air then suck it to the reducer then break down all pipe  then take the pump to wash out i dont rinse any hose the ball went through just wash clamps. my air comp is a dewalt gas honda 5hp u can carry it with 1 hand on a good day or have 200ft of 1/4 flexzilla hose on a reel  (leave comp on trk) that sucker charges the tank and cleans lines  its the same as what roofers use. we are in the process of geetting a new trk F450 4x4 6.7 diesel so in april ill put her on here. Goose these trks do nothing but pump

Beast 01-31-2013
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I have a F-450 flat bed with a 250 gallon elevated tank , carries 300 ft of 4" and 200 ft of 2 1/2" all clamps are in undermount tool boxes , mounted two freshwater washdown pumps that runs off electrical.

Beast 01-31-2013
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Kind of like thinksnow but my tank is square , don't need air much the tk70 will suck a ball back through about 250 ft 4" line so I never mounted a AC .