taking time out to do the thing's you enjoy????
The Cat 01-07-2009
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The lakes in the uk...great  

The Cat 01-07-2009
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best mate

ruck 01-07-2009
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Cat, Right now it 's hard for me to do what I enjoy.Afoot of snow,It's hard to find a golf ball.LOL


The Cat 01-07-2009
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well to be honest it was in november we did the ride but it is so nice to get away from work now and again

pudg 01-07-2009
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life is way to short just to work , you never know what day will be your last, so ,live everyday as if it is your last , work to live do not live to work enjoy your kids while they are there it want be long and they will be all grown up and you will hardly see them enjoy the gifts of life 

The Cat 01-07-2009
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your not wrong....pudg......i see life like this....when i wake in the morni i see it as  another go on the ride so enjoy it as much as you can....you never know when the ride mite be closed one day...................