tanker endosment ?
dlee7729 08-01-2009
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Michigan law states that any vechile with a perminate tank that carries more that 119 gallons requires a tanker endorsment . I dont know about other states but just another thing here in mich. along with your cdl -b that you need.

Secret Squirrell 08-01-2009
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dlee7729 has this been in effect for long?

BIG PAPA PUMP 08-01-2009
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I've got mine anyway but thats about the gayest thing i've ever heard of.  It's probobly a ploy to get more money for the state now that the automakers are on thier last leg. (lol)

yard whore 08-01-2009
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Same way here in Arkansas, dont think its realy enforced tho.

dlee7729 08-01-2009
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Just recieved a warning ticket at the scales friday. Never even heard about this rule. So who's the wizard that came up with this idea , at least round the 119 gallons to lets say 200 gallons (LOL).

dlee7729 08-01-2009
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pumpjockey 08-01-2009
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I think that rule is being misinterpretted.  A 'cargo' tank to me means that the contents of the tank are to be transfered to another tank, not like a vehicles fuel tank that consumes the contents, which are not transferred under normal circumstances.

Go to court on that one.

ezconcretepumper 08-01-2009
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Never heard of that. Located in Va. Ran mixers with 150 gal tanks for 7 yrs and been runnin pumps with alot more water capacity. Must not be in the books here. Sounds crazy.

Justapumper 08-01-2009
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Sounds like a Michigan thing to me, which is why I left Mi when I was old enough and, never went back. Well except to visit friends and, family. That state will figure every way they can to get an extra dollar out of you.

Many 08-02-2009
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That's an insane little catch.That one must date back to the proabition days running booz from Canada.

Ya know that may be one to get other pump,redi mix companies involved in.I may be more of a verbage issue than actual.I'm sure you would recieve more support from a redi mix assosation that other pump companies.You might even get support from the agc assc.

One can effect change if done correctly.Still,that's insane.


Step Brother 08-02-2009
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does that go for all liquids? if its for the fuel and/or hyd oil, wouldnt you also need a hazmat cert also?

Many 08-02-2009
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The more I look at that and think.It may really be a verbage/interpetation issue.I would certainly check with the proper agency for clarification.

Have you asked any local redi mix suppliers how they deal with this?Or just small water tanks.

dlee7729 08-02-2009
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I know of a few tickets issued to redi-mix drivers but I don't know what the out come was . Iam going to get my endorsment today , the cost is around $20.00 plus the waiting in line.

steadyeddy 08-03-2009
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I've fought ticks in MI and the judge can see it diff than the officer. It is a runaway ticket bonanza here! I have stories to no end about ridiculous tickets. Please update with how endorsement goes. Hopefully you won't have to road test again. They,ve told our trailer guys they need cdl-a. Another time, I got repair and report for no chauffer's, that paid off though, I was due for a $48 renewal on cdl and chauffer's was $35 for 3 yrs. Two weeks later, guy with chauffer's got tick for no cdl, same cop. Do what I do, call your congressman at the state level, but be respectful, enough of these guys hear it may help!

Laurens&LeahsDad 08-03-2009
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Missouri law is 1000 gallons or more.  That sounds more reasonable.

Ry 08-03-2009
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hey where are you located in Michigan???  Iam in Kalamazoo I want to know where to avoid this guy.

Do have a special equipment permit or anything of that nature with you?
