Seed 12-02-2008
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Today while placing a 160 yard slab I was a bit short. So I had 30' of rubber on down in the hole. While setting up I kept thinking about the dangle after we were done with the line. Well my conscience got the best of me and I brought my dead end tip hose down also and changed it out between trucks!

Thanks Bob! Keep up the good work!



Bob 12-02-2008
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I couldn't be happier if I was twins!!

Your placing crew and I thank you !

Seed 12-02-2008
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I thought you would like that! LOL Again, just keep doing what you are doing it makes a difference! I have not used my double 90 in a while! My old one has a hole in it and my new one has been on my shop floor for months.

PedroALL5Z 12-02-2008
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Just wondering what the issue is with using a double 90??


Bob 12-02-2008
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Well Pedro,

We just don't think that they are very safe. ;~)

Raymond 12-02-2008
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 Sharing Popcorn 



Sorry your post is going to get hi-jacked, Seed.

Bob 12-02-2008
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Sharing Popcorn Thanks for the popcorn, Raymond

Todd 12-02-2008
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Hey Seed, can we have a double 90 bashing party? I will donate to it. How about a Hat. Now it cant be the old one, lol must be the new one.

TooTall 12-02-2008
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LOOK OUT!!!!!  >>BAAASHH!<<..........Close one! Damn those things are dangerous!  (<*>!<*>)

Seed 12-03-2008
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Well I do not want to destroy it because I have about 80 bucks in it. It will be funny if it sets on the wall for the rest of eternity!

Bob 12-03-2008
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Sell it to someone you don't like

TooTall 12-03-2008
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We have a wall with similar items hung about, Its called the "Wall of Shame!" Dog-eared chrome bumper, flattened metal oil sprayer, An alcoa wheel with a big flat spot, several pieces of evidence proving lack of grease! And my two trophies (2) munched up steps, one front and one rear! Its TOPped off with a big boom-hole in the wall its self, provided by the Owner of all people! This is how the wall of shame started. If I had your dbl.90 I'd hang it and label it ..."Seed-dis? Dont use dis" I'd attach it to the reducer with 18" RIP in it........Pump-Offf!-Pump-Off!!!!!....... (thats exactly what I painted on the ripped reducer)

Vasa 12-03-2008
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"Stultorum infinitus est numerus" !

Seed 12-03-2008
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You guy's are all just too funny!

The cool thing is I have been on this job and we blasted about 300 yards through a 3" 20 foot stabber. So for the past couple of months I have been using a 3" tip hose with a six" slump! Everyone likes it. We clog in the reducer sometimes but not to often to discourage anyone yet.

boominlou 12-03-2008
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Good topic Bob, and the picture says alot. Now Pedro picture that metal fabricated end plugging up letting loose and smashing someone in the jaw! Not a pretty picture with a guys mouth full of blood and his jaw on sideways. Experience can be ugly and I hope you guys learn something from Bob's post.

Bob 12-03-2008
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Infinite is the number of fools


TooTall 12-03-2008
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Boominlou, some are blessed with never having seen a grown man tossed to the air with the greatest of ease by an every day single ended whip hose that did "The Dance" for one reason or another. Those who have seen this dare not attach anything to add to the danger of a hose dance.  

 Pedro should be aware that even running such an attachment on a perfect problem free job can still break a hand or foot with a small minor boom surge or bounce, Pedro learn this one the easy way man because the hard way can kill someone faster than you could ever think of touching the off switch! Literally in the blink of an eye, for real!