The heat spell .
dlee7729 07-16-2012
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I think I have a extra 1000yds threw the boom pipe last week just recirculating. Also changed out the hyd oil from 32 to 46. And I can't leave out the finishers with the cry more water.

rusty22 07-16-2012
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The good old day's put in a 100 and let me look at it.

Goose2448 07-17-2012
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The heat is killing us.  It was so hot last week we could not get 3000 grout through 3" pipe

Tank 07-17-2012
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it’s so hot in Philadelphia, I hear the gangsters are smuggling water pistols

biged 07-18-2012
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Why would anybody try pumping 3,000 grout,I pump 4,000 grout threw 2 1/2 inch all the time even today 17 yards of block and it was hot 95 at 11 oclock, if I still own this business next year in June I am closing up till Sept.

Goose2448 07-18-2012
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You pump 3000 grout because thats what the job calls for.  And 2 1/2" hose would be killer on the guys.  2" is bad enough.

I keep hearing from all my friends in PA how hot it is.  They say its in the mid 90s.  I laugh at them and say its like that here every day of the year.  

Dont need one 07-18-2012
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 You do it because it is your job. I know I've been really crabby lately. Just keep an eye on the mud in your hopper and boom or your going to have a lot of fun and an expensive day.

biged 07-19-2012
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Goose you wrote that you were pumping 3,000 grout threw 3 inch hose,I use 2 1/2 inch hose which is smaller than 3 inch.

Goose2448 07-19-2012
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Yeah we were, 3" stack up the building into 2" hose on the deck.  The problem was the mud was out of time by the time it got to the pump and it was over 115 in the shade.  The pipe and hoses had been laying out all day.  I did not make the call to pump it, the boss did.