SIXdaysAweek 09-16-2009
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northwest63 09-16-2009
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is the ladder standerd,or an op,LOL...NICE...-HOPE YOU GUYS DOWN IN SO CAL INJOY is it?

Todd 09-16-2009
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Very cool

green gold 09-16-2009
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ShortStik 09-16-2009
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that a big SOB.

how much time to set er up?  and whats with the ladder?  have you gone flat stick 360degrees with full pipes yet?

cpoe 09-16-2009
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thats cool bad ass

toper 09-16-2009
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nice, i would think that w/ that size pump theu would have come up w/a big enough hopperto fit 3 trucks, just a thought.

Secret Squirrell 09-16-2009
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Man if you don't have an oiler you really need one the cleanup at the end of the day has to be a B!#(&, but good job.

C-LOS 63M 09-16-2009
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yes the ladder is op..boom is smooth flat out just like the 63m...the faster u go the smoother it gets.plenty of time to set up that beast.3 1/2 -4 inch slump and she was puttin it down no problem.

SIXdaysAweek 09-16-2009
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not my truck. i got the pictures from a friend of friend type of thing. this is the man above me. I heard it really lays it down without much boom bounce at all.

AK1 09-16-2009
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wow that jib looks longer then my 32 what a machine and does it have some sort of hook to lock the truck into place when you set it up so it helps counter balance better way cool thanks for sharing the pictures!!!!!!!!

BIG PAPA PUMP 09-16-2009
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Neat too look at but what a pain in the arse.  I ran a 63 for a week and it was ok but i would't be digin it if i had to run it every day.  But once again different stroke for different folks.


Chubby 09-17-2009
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thats a big mo fo never thought id see 5 inch look small haha whats that thing rated at an hour ? thats obvisouly bb riverside thats where i had national rm one time just curious that thing is a pig

Caelyn Cao 09-17-2009
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Many 09-17-2009
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Wow,when will it all end? Next step composit booms? At my age I probably would forget what I was doing walking to the end of that boom.

any pump 2 09-17-2009
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is that the second m70 from putz or the same one with different stickers? didnt associated concrete pumping own that

yard whore 09-17-2009
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That Is one SEXY machine!! I gotta get some of that!!

tebequip 09-17-2009
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Stupid Question. Who actually owns that pump.??

northwest63 09-17-2009
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that is the second 70.associated has one to.funny bouth are in cali..----HA C-LOS-63!!! COME ON JUST DO IT.TAKE THE PIC.....LOL      LICK IT!!!!!!!!

northwest63 09-17-2009
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Hay many---the 63's do have composit's on them.the ram's are

stretch 09-17-2009
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sorry 2 hurt your feelings, but it is not the worls largest boom pump!!!! sany has got u beat and it looks like a much better setup 2 me


pumpjockey 09-17-2009
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Has Sany actually, really sold one? To whom, and to where?  Are there any pictures of it in operation?

I'm a bit of a skeptic until I've seen something to back it up.

Here's a picture of it:

To me, it looks like it is extremely short of rubber to carry the weight.

biged 09-17-2009
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Is that the pump that was used to pump the new bay bridge in Oakland, I would like to conment on Sany but I will leave it alone somebody else has more balls than me.

pumpjockey 09-17-2009
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You're talking about the Putz pumping the Bay Bridge in Oakland, right Ed?  I believe that is correct, but not this exact Putz pump shown at the beginning of the thread.

There are many stories about Sany, but I haven't heard much to the good about them.  I'd like to hear about their successes, from something other than a propaganda standpoint.  I just watched the video on Sany's website, and you could just tell that the script went though about 40 Chinese Government propagandists' hands before it was produced. 

I didn't mean to keep this thread derailed on a Sany track. If anyone would like to add more Sany content, I'll start a new thread for a Sany discussion.

But for now, lets keep this one to the original topic, this big Putz.  Thanks.

TooTall 09-17-2009
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 How much does that baadboy weigh? It might need a couple more axles to be legal in my neighborhood!

pumpjockey 09-17-2009
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What's the deal with the add-on aftermarket air conditioner on the cab of that $250,000 Kenworth?

pudg 09-18-2009
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nice to finally see one in action , that is one awesome machine.