The 'Wild' stuff we see at work...
TooTall 06-04-2009
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 This guy woke up when the pump pulled in next door. He had know idea just how lucky he was that I was on the clock and not in my pick up! Otherwise I might have got him outta that tree the easy way... Click>Bang>THUD! Stretched out on my floor in front of the wood stove is where he almost landed! 

TooTall 06-04-2009
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 Check it out, He even had some jewlery in his left ear, a tag of some sort... Lucky Bear.

TooTall 06-04-2009
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 Perhaps I was the lucky one? Lucky he did'nt pounce on my silly ass for wake'n him up and gettin a little to close for comfort!

ShortStik 06-04-2009
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Aint that the way it goes.  with later earing, im guessing he has had a run in with fish/wildlife.  he'll be back.  hopefuly you were pumping the footing, hehe

ruck 06-07-2009
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Did you take it out?Or was he lucky you didn't have a gun

TooTall 06-08-2009
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Nah, Even if I had a shooter the only thing I would've shot was more pix. He was pretty young and I dont eat bear?