pudg 08-04-2008
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Seriously considering not posting anymore due to, it seems every couple of months you get a rookie here that likes to spout off at the mouth,makes you wish sometimes you could reach into the computer screen and b-tch slap'm we are all here to help and there here just to stir sh-t and I dont have the temperment for that 

twix 08-04-2008
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chill out pudg life to short just take it as it comes,you should know some people talk out of their behind .

ruck 08-04-2008
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Don't leave,Let the rookies sound off.I know it's hard to keep from yelling at them,But sometimes you just have to mellow out.It's like open grate thing on the hopper.I would never open it up when washing.But some people do. You can't change everyone. Everyone has there own way.Some people are all about safety and some aren't.Some do it different then others.So kept up your good work and kept tring to help,Because some people do listen.

Thanks Ruck

joey 08-04-2008
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Those kinda guys are everywhere you turn, dont sweat it!!! I think we've all dealt with it one time or another.

The rest of us appreciate your posts!


Todd 08-04-2008
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Here is how I see it. If everyone was just like me this world would suck, I don’t even like myself that much.


You ever hear the saying that goes something like this.


Everyone who drives faster than me is crazy and everyone that drives slower than me is a moron.


Lol well if you think about our message board like that than you will go crazy. You have to think about it like its all kinds of people who are at all different levels sometimes you get help and sometimes you help others.


At some point in life you need to help others, share what you know to those who will listen. Many times it is a thankless job but you don’t do it for the thank you, you do it because it’s the right thing to do.


We must always strive to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do. If we do what is right only because we will gain from it than we will get depressed because nobody really appreciates us as much as we would like them too.


Don’t ever give up being good, doing what is right and helping those around you.


Thanks for your post pudg the site would be less with out you.

Jammy 08-04-2008
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your always gona get people who think different and have another opinion, and you'l have to grin and bear it in life. you might not like it but thats life.

pudg 08-04-2008
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the different opinions doesnt bother me its the smarta-- comments,i wasnt raised to be that way,its easy to hide behind a computer or a phone im more of a face to face guy if im going to confront someone with sarcasm and rude comments but thats just me,i enjoy the site and i will not let one person ruin it.

Jammy 08-04-2008
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then good on you.

Mudslinger 08-04-2008
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Todd: Just remember"You can only drive one car at a time"

Mudslinger 08-04-2008
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Pudg: Go easy on the rookies;without one you wouldn't be here!

bri 08-04-2008
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Pudg....glad to see you are going to stick around:)

eugene 08-04-2008
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come on if talk to every other concrete finisher they will tell you that they are the only ones smart enough to do their kind of work even with thier junior high education

v-dawg 08-04-2008
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hey pudg , just forget about smoothoperator , your right , no question is a dumb question , stay on i think your topics are pretty cool !

Many 08-05-2008
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I can't help but wonder what they said about us.To this day I can remember my first shot out of the gates with none other than Ron Rumza (RIP).That guy would flip at a whim,but I learned quick.That was 1976 and I still think about him.I remember my attitude back then,I could walk on water.Not much has changed,only the names.

I don't take things as personal any more,there's place and time for each leason learned.We as the old salts need to help when they are ready to learn,they will make mistakes as we did.

My Best

Smoothoprtr 08-05-2008
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u know i may be a rookie but im entitled to my opinion u dnt see me bitchin when someone chews my ass about one of my subjects or how i do my job thats how i felt and thats what is typed not to be a smart ass but come on theres and obvious answer to the question not trying to piss anyone off just telln how i feel hate it or love it


pudg 08-06-2008
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i thought about when i started,and i made mistakes,and i still make mistakes,he is entitled to his opinion like it or not,rookie or not has nothing to do with it really,as i said its easier to say or type anything you want when you are not facing that person, it was just a question that i kept thinking,my family what would they have done if i wouldnt have came back,was it selfish to take a chance like that and put there futures in jeopardy as well as my own,it was a question i wanted your opinion on and if smoothie hasnt ever been in that situation i dont know if he as,then its not a dumb question,if all you are consumed with is yourself it is a stupid question,all i was asking is do you risk it all for people you dont even know,and was it a bad decision,look at the news yesterday a man drowned doing the same thing in florida in the same area we were in,so smooth i'm forgetting about your responses and you can think what you want,maybe your next posts ill just wait to see if your as smart as you think you are or if you just like to piss people off there is a way to voice your opinion without being a smartass and hopefully with age and experience as we all have you will learn  

Smoothoprtr 08-06-2008
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PUDG i respect you point of view and understand your point bout your family i have a family to and i was not tryn to be a smart ass but i dnt appreciate the way u have came across to me in the past with my topics thats all u seem like a nice guy and if i offended u i apoligize to u im still learnin myself like everybody else and i just think it would be better if u didnt come across so harsh when u see someone doing something wrong

pudg 08-06-2008
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and I apologize ,I dont know what posts I came across harsh on,but if I did, maybe it was about safety,I'm kind of an ass when it comes to safety,so lets call a truce and maybe we can learn from each others experiences,I mean  no disrespect when we are on a safety topic but when you have seen the crazy things I have you get a agitated about certain things and again if I offended I truly apologize,hope thats the end of it.

Smoothoprtr 08-07-2008
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sounds like a plan to me thanks for the apology appreciate it