Tip Hose issue
38zman 09-27-2008
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I have to say too al of you this topic seems to never end yes it is 2008 soon to be 09 The way I see it is like this in the beginning people moved things by carrying them then someone thought of using logs to move things on top of them and then the wheel. Better ideas make for a better life and the human race progresses and gets smarter.

Now mention the tip hose issue and all of sudden we are back to moving things by placing them on top of logs and needing a army to move one stone. I cannot understand why some are so old fashioned so to speak.

We all want everyone to go home from the job even if some of the people we pump for should maybe go somewhere else....lol

Anyway I can only speak for myself and steel at the end of my hose is just like me trying to win the lottery.....It is not going to HAPPEN..... 

Vasa 09-27-2008
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   38zman ,  !

Bob 09-27-2008
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EVEN PUTZ has figured it out.

How hard is it to understand?

But they do not supply US pumps with this

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Joined : 09-11-2008

Hey guys,

I work for Putzmeister Pipe Development in Germany and because of that, end hose problems are my daily work. Let me point out three things:

1.) We (Putzmeister) permit the use of 2 ended end hoses for normal pump jobs to avoid injuries caused by the metal parts at the end of a 2 ended end hose. This attitude is conform to the german (and eurpopean) law. 

2.) Putzmeister knows, that many pump jobs need a 2 ended end hose to add delivery pipes to the boom pipeline. That's why we offer a divided end hose, consisting of a 1 m 2 ended end hose connected to a 3m normal end hose. To elongate the pipeline, you take of the 3m end hose and connect the extension to the remaining 1 m 2 ended end hose (legally). If you equip your pump with such a devided end hose, you are prepared for every pump situation, a mistake is not possible or obvious.

3. To shut-off an end hose we recommend the so called PM squeeze valve. It is possible to use the squeeze valve in combination with the devided end hose in the range of the short (1m) hose. So, you can use the squeeze valve either fpr normal pump jobs or for placement jobs without damaging the hose.

Both parts are available from every PM Dealer.

Best regards,

Karl Westermann