tired of...
johnjohnjohn 10-19-2009
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...the b.s.

Todd 10-19-2009
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Hang in there.

Boom Inspector 10-19-2009
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"My mother always said , Life is like a box of chocolates,you never know what you will get" LOL

crazycreter 10-19-2009
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I'm tired of....PEOPLE!!!

I think im gonna go and get a dog, or a cat, maybe a fish. Something that doesnt want something from me!!!

BIG PAPA PUMP 10-19-2009
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I love life!  It's like a new gift every day that i wake up.  I love what i do for a living, i have the greatest family ever and more hobbies than i need.  Sure the economy sucks, but like everything in the world it will get better with time.  (that was probly a bit off the subject but what the hell)  Whatever it is jonjonjon it will get better.

getRdone 10-20-2009
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I feel your pain brother. Shit sucks I start to wonder if the light at the end of the tunnel is getting dimmer?????????

Many 10-20-2009
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Some people have a sense of humor,some don't,try finding yours.

Or become a monk,problem solved.

a2b 10-20-2009
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become a monk thats a good one made me laugh

Drew AUS 10-20-2009
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johnjohnjohn your sick of the bs??

If you go and do something else your goin to get sick of that bs too LOL the grass isnt greener , there is bull shit no matter what job you do , I go through stages were i think "Im over it"  But then I remember i went through the samr thing in every job ive done!!

It normal for people to get sik of the shit...... Your not alone!

faith 10-22-2009
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to have a baby, it will made your life full of happy!