To the finger pointers
Kretch 01-31-2009
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This is for the benefit of Todd.

To those of you weather you are with big pump manufacturers, or the ACPA, or any other organizations, I hope you read this and  understand what I want to say.

Todd has done a great job in developing a website for the pumping industry.  This is one place where anyone who is a member can come and say what is on his or her mind.  It does not mean that Todd endorses any of the content.  He may or may not agree with what we say. 

I am just grateful that he has made it possible for everyone to get the straight and skinny.  If you want to point fingers, then use this site for information and if you feel like it state your thoughts.  Thats what the site is for.  I am glad that Todd does police the profanity, and he does have to referee from time to time, and he does a pretty good job of keeping the peace.

Just get it straight.  What I say or anyone else on this site says is our right to free speach, and Todd has made it possible for us to come here to vent our frustrations and share our experiences.

Thank you, Todd, for making this possible for all of us.


ShortStik 01-31-2009
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Here Here!!!

concrete canon 02-01-2009
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good point, noyhing to add

djprotege 02-06-2009
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