Todds Tech Alert. We need to talk about 3 things.
Todd 11-11-2009
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Please watch this video.

1. Windows 7

2. Tape back ups

3. Security Cameras.

Boom Inspector 11-12-2009
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Good tips Todd, I just purchased a new altec laptop a few months back with vista installed and it came with a free upgrade to win 7 . I havent installed it yet as Im still getting used to vista. But now after watching your video I just might have to .

Not sure what you were refering to with a "tape back up" . I kinda thought those died with the dinasours and vcr's ? Anyone using that technology really needs an upgrade anyways . lol

Security cams are geting to be so inexpensive that even alot of home owners are getting them. I like the ones that you can connect to the system any where in the world via the internet. Your video was hilarious also , can you imagine if that was your vehicle and after a day of shopping you see it ? It would be like a WTF moment till you saw the footage . LOL

Todd 11-12-2009
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Yep, i like how the person just drives away like nothing happened. These logitech cameras do connect to the web and you can video them on the net.

Todd 11-12-2009
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Oh dont learn vista, it sucks upgrade it to windows 7 ASAP.

tebequip 11-12-2009
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Thanks Todd. Great updates and heads up.

Appreciate it.

Justapumper 11-12-2009
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 Well I have played with Win7 and, personally am not to impressed with it. It reminds me too much of a MAC. Also I build my own systems and, I may have to go with 7 but, I wont like it, my systems dont start showing their age till about 7 years. I build my rigs for gaming and, photo editing so they are always built with the top end compontents. Fact is Im running a single core and, it is faster than my friends duo core. Granted he has a Vista machine which I consider the second coming of ME, which actually I had a fully stable ME box before this one. A friend at MS gave me the ME. What I hate about the newer OSes is you are locked into one box and, from what Im hearing is MS expects you to buy another disk if you end up changing out parts that are not the same. With XP i have always been able to upgrade components as opposed to doing a full rebuild. I have been reading horror stories about trying to get MS to revalidate the keys. Also I have yet to have a blue screen with XP, I guess some have but, in all the years I have run it I never have. RTight now Im running 2- 1 tb drives and, backup everything on another 1tb drive. Oh well later this year I may be dragged kicking and, screaming into the Win7 world. I will unload IE8 as it is pure junk and, will go with FireFox.

Todd 11-12-2009
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Cool cool. I like xp also but i like 7 better. Windows 7 has a 64bit version and sony9 which is the best video editing software around is also 64bit. I run a 150G Western Digital VelociRaptor drive. Size is not that important when your talking about photo shop or video editing its speed that counts. VelociRaptor is so much faster than any other drive other than the intels SSD drive. I build my own systems also and going all 64bit is nice. I dont run IE much I like Opra and i use open office. Nice stuff. Try the Western Digital VelociRaptor and it will shock you how much faster your computer will run.

Pump N00b 11-13-2009
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UBUNTU! Have it on my laptop and it's like day and night from XP.
Have Vista at home and yeah, it sucks!

Boom Inspector 11-14-2009
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yea i think it is time for an upgrade anyways , my CPU gets to hot anyways . But i cured that . LOL

Just kidding , but funny pic anyways :)

Justapumper 11-14-2009
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 Boom that reminds me of the old blowholes I used to have on my old OCed boxes. When they were on they saved me money on my home heating costs.

Todd 11-14-2009
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that is funny boom, lol

MeJ024 11-15-2009
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Make Note...64Bit will run on anything that is Duo-Core Processor or Quad Core, it will not run on a single core unless you do alot of work, or atleast it wont run very well.

Todd 11-15-2009
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I personly would only install windows 7 on a new computer. You will have driver issues if you install it on anything that has older computer parts such as video cards and so on.