Trick Question
Seed 02-10-2009
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How many feet of reach on a 33 meter?

baddassduramax 02-10-2009
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hmmm, from the slewing axis, vertical, off the front of truck, system?

Seed 02-10-2009
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Interesting point! There is a redi mix out fit here claiming they get 109 out of a 33? I have a 36 and tell my customers I can only do 105. Perhaps we are both wrong!

Dan 02-10-2009
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vertical maybe. horizontal ehhh not so sure. I run a 31m and i get 85 horizontal, can't see 2m being 24 more feet.

bmxguy_dave 02-10-2009
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33 Roll and fold est. 92ft

36 roll and fold est. 104ft

pudg2 02-10-2009
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we measure from the front bumper 36m = 97ft 38m=103 ft 45m = 129 ft rotation sometimes but most we do from front of truck

pudg2 02-10-2009
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but counting on all you can load on it I would say about 550'

ShortStik 02-10-2009
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how much pipe & hose you wanna load


Seed 02-10-2009
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I guess we cleared that up! I think I will take Pudg2 advice an quote 100 '. I think that is fair.  

Seed 02-10-2009
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Speaking of pipe and hose. My job today was 160 miles away. Three hour drive by map quest! I dumped all my stuff last night. Flew like a rocket and made map quest time!

65m Petee 02-10-2009
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i would say boom length plus 12' cause they can always lay down the tip hose.  i guess that would'nt work for a bid price.

Bob 02-10-2009
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Why don't you get the mfg's spec sheet from the internet and include it with the bid. If it is a verbal bid I would use the mfg's figures, both up and out flat. Your competition will.

Seed 02-11-2009
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We are not competing on a job. I was reading his info and saw it.

Bob 02-11-2009
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A 33meter - straight up in the air


Seed 02-11-2009
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Nice fact finding Bob! techinacally I guess he is


TooTall 02-11-2009
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Is'nt that how most pumps are measured? from the ground straight up? I think some manufacturers are different than others. I finished a job one time that a thirty six Z Putz had broke down on. I sat right next to him with a thirty six Concord and out reached him by five feet off the front? 

ShortStik 02-11-2009
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TooTall.  the horse head of a rNp is 3 - 4 feet ahead of a ro-tech tower.  might be where you get the extra feet off the nose...?

TooTall 02-11-2009
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Yeah that's probably it! Stating that a Concord out reaches a Putz could start a bigass fight, I better shut up!. Pump-Off!