tricky job
concrete canon 07-27-2009
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Here is was in the very center of the city in Amsterdam, almost no place to set up my machine workers from all over europe no one spoke dutch and some spoke a little english. real amateurs had to explain everything they must do. only with the foreman I had proper communication The job was done and that's about it. never again this way

concrete canon 07-27-2009
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fold between the metro powerlines

concrete canon 07-27-2009
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shortriggin because lack of space

concrete canon 07-27-2009
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Bert has entered the building

concrete canon 07-27-2009
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just in reach

concrete canon 07-27-2009
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and fourty yards of hose

concrete canon 07-27-2009
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it's lonely at the top

pumpjockey 07-27-2009
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That one shoulda been TRIPLE rate!!

Just because a boom COULD do it, SHOULD a boom do it?

I think that the job is better suited to having hard line in place on the side of the structure, then bring in a trailer pump when it's called for.  Stay away from the damn powerlines, set the traile unit where there is better room.  Blow back into a mixer when the job is done.

BTW, just how did you clean out?

concrete canon 07-27-2009
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a hardline was to expencive they figured. I had to pump just one mixerload. Washout wasn't realy the problem I blew a ball through the hoses. And for the boom , I close my shutter and pump back in the mixer and then suck up my spongeball. I did the hopper washout elsewhere

pumpjockey 07-27-2009
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So this was a one-time only set-up?  I thought by the looks of it that it would be 10 or more.  Then maybe the time and expense of the hard-line wouldn't be worth it.

The risk involved around high-voltage lines and congested streets and traffic???  How much cost is too much if somebody's life is at stake?  Or any of the other risks that could be reduced?

I'm just sayin'.....

But, good work in a tricky situation.

The pics are great.

yard whore 07-27-2009
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Bert?? is that the name u gave ur truck? I just got a new rig named him Duke!!

yard whore 07-27-2009
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Its only proper to name ur trucks!

concrete canon 07-27-2009
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Bert is my name , but me and my truck are one!!

green gold 07-27-2009
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Bert you are nutts!!!!!!!!!!! but I like your style.

yard whore 07-27-2009
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OH!! Well cool pics anyhow glad things turned out well. Did u say a little prayer 2 the "Pump Gods" b4 u started?? LOL!

Nebuchadnezzar 07-27-2009
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Hey Yardwhore, what is the unit number on that pump?

concrete canon 07-27-2009
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I'm two years in the busines now. when I started I had a training course of 5 days and never drove a truck before exept for my licence. but you could hardly name that a truck. My daily machine is a 34 schwing but ran 24m to 52m pumps. Learned a lot by asking questions to expierienced people in the business. My old man told me to learn from mistakes from others cause you ain't live long enough to make them all yourself. So use your common sence and keep calculating the risks, never go over the edge maybe I got lucky so far, maybe a natural born pumper. I guess the truth lies somewhere in between

bigaboy 07-27-2009
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hey canon, great pics, little freindly info for you. i've pumped quite abit between those types of trolly lines myself, in vancouver bc canada. the biggest risk is coming in contact with the positve line.these are usually dc voltage. they will blow human body parts off and unlike hydro power, there usually is no breaker system to trip the cercaite. it will also weld your boom sections together.your allawable proximity limits are small but the current will arcseveral inches 5 cm acording to the bc hydro course i took 15 years ago. pump on bro and a great job, well done.

yard whore 07-27-2009
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Unit 732 came from Oregon

pumper chuck 07-28-2009
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named mine MUDDSLUT, think she likes it too.bad days its MUDDSLUTB---H. she hates that one,so not to many bad days anymore,guess we are compatable.ha 

Raymond 07-28-2009
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 yard whore 

Yup, that one came from our yard.  Very clean machine for it's age-

Nebuchadnezzar 07-28-2009
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yep, knew it looked familiar.

yard whore 07-29-2009
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hell ya I was really supprised at how clean it was! I love the old paint jobs they hold up soooo much better than the new paint and decals! The ole boys got some serious issues tho. Its a mud pumpin mofo tho. I got300 out of it yesterday in 2 hrs. What was its name when yall had it?

Many 07-29-2009
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That one would have got my heart beating faster,and been doing this way longer than you.

Getter done safely

Nebuchadnezzar 07-29-2009
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yard whore



It's name was 732.......I don't know if they name them here or not...if they do they don't tell anyone.

I've had a few choice names for a few pumps on bad days.

aaronsrules 07-30-2009
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i used to  run a bulldozer named charlie and a dump truck named beretha

txredman 08-01-2009
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EXCELLENT PICS!! Good job - if pumping concrete were easy, everybody would be doing it!