Two schools of thought
Bob 01-22-2008
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Last night I was considering the relationship between employer and employees. When thinking about the situations I have experienced and those others about which I have some knowledge; it comes down to two simple ways of looking at the relationship.

The first school of thought is this; the wages an employer pays his employees are a means to an end. They are a good trade-off for the value received and the expense is justified. In this company; a rising tide floats all boats.

The second is; the wages paid are cutting into the bottom line. They are a burden on the company. All actions to decrease this expense are justified and necessary to achieving the target profit on investment.

I feel sorry for those of you that work for that second company. I hope that you are able to find a job with the first.

In my second company; a rising tide drowns everyone in the bottom of the ship.  


Seed 01-22-2008
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There was a report about Circuit City! To boost the bottom line they replaced Experienced people on the sales floor with cheap kids. The customers have left!

Bob 01-22-2008
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It is more cost effective to keep good, professional people than it is to train new, cheap and inexperienced people.

trev 01-23-2008
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you pay peanuts you get monkeys