twix | 06-01-2009 | comment profile send pm notify |
hi guys ive been reading your posts about different companys under cutting and thought it was the big boys from uk are starting to do it now, this big company is post to be the big dog is under cutting every one just to get work ask me it is very sad.the bigger their are the harder their will fall. |
kiwi | 06-01-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
hey twix doesn't matter how many pumps firms have , they think they are being clever by under cutting, its took all these years to get what prices we can, when people under cut it will take another two years to get back to where we were, they all panic in stead of just keeping to there prices, there is enough work for all its going to slow down but by not panicking we can all work though this unforgently there will be some firms go under and more than not start up the next day just because something is paid for doesn,t mean we have to drop prices ,what about when we need to replace borrow more money we only live so long |
murf | 06-01-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
twix - followed your 24 out of Reading the other day, you guys day trippin now then? theres no way it pays to send a pump 4 hrs travelling for minimum hire |
pudg | 06-01-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
its not just the big boys , I had a job in the morning 150 yd house slab ,a guy with one pump comes by and says he'll do it for 700 dollars all I can do is let him have it,I will not get down to these ridiculous prices,I would rather hang my remotes up and go cut grass for a living , its a shame where we have taken this industry,straight down the toilets.oh and he is gonna pump it with a 42m my minimum hourly rate on a 38 is more than what he is doing the job for,what a shame.add in the 3.50 a yard and he is leaving about 600 dollars on the table, makes me wanna go beat the f#&k out of him but he's not worth my knuckles getting scratched up.he'll get his in due time. |
kiwi | 06-01-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
four hours each way , they sent there 36m and couple of other pumps to sewer works in thatcham eight hours drive and ten hours on site????????????????????? |
murf | 06-01-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
scousers.... they just got no morals!!!!!!! |
twix | 06-01-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
i wonder why your so angry murf have i hit a sore point,just take note of what kiwi said just hold on and chill. |
TooTall | 06-01-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Come on over and get your self a bigass boom for dirt frick'n cheap and joint the cutthroat club! Before you know it things will be just as screwed up over there. |
murf | 06-01-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
i should think kiwi is bordering on freezin, havin to sit and watch you lot virtually at the bottom of his garden. Not angry soft lad, just you cant send a pump 4 hrs then moan that you are bein under cut |
bisley57 | 06-01-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
But you must think from a 1 man operation,no shop,no company trucks,no secretary,no salesman,no employees standing around milking the clock,all the fat is trimmed,no wasted time,you must think about it from a different perspective. |
eugene | 06-01-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
tryed that and at the end of the month i still did not have crap and the customers sure do not care what you do for them cuz then they want you to carry them for a few jobs then they stiff you and call the other guy and pay him top dollar, but hey give it shot. |
twix | 06-02-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
murf less the soft lad if we are going down their then that is because the customer trust us and not you lot now put that in your pipe and smoke it,and remember dont hump it pump it sad man. |
marko | 06-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
just a quick note to let murf know that we were paid 4.5 hours each way for the Reading job - a one off for a very loyal customer and friend who was in the area. Thanks, Marko.
marko | 06-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
oh and murf, scousers are from Liverpool, we are not. |
twix | 06-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
thanks marko hope you read that murf we done it for a loyal customer who only trusts us thats why we went down their because he dont trust you agree.remember murf when you have tried the rest then you try the best you stick with the best.remember dont hump it pump your case dont pump it hump it. |
twix | 06-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
listen murf if i get time i will come down and show you how the job is done by the pro s,then you can tell the few customers that you have got that you have seen the best in action.cheers twix |