unionized owner/operators
sunmas 01-28-2008
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Are any of you out there that are owner/operators also in the union
I now have 2 pumps and have my son runnning one of the pumps.
The problem that I have is the operators union told me to belong to the union as an owner/operator I cannot have any employees and if they sign my company and not as an owner/op. that myself could no longer run my own pumps as I would need to hire another Operator.
Any help or advise on this S*!T

ruck 01-28-2008
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Where are you from? That does not sound right.


typesdubs 01-28-2008
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NJ here, doesn\'t sound right, my father was/still is an owner/operator with union employess for almost 30 years.

eugene 01-28-2008
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ya do not get advice but i just had a conversation today with a 37M alliance owner working at $100- an hour plus yardage; he is a non union and when the nons bid a job here that they do not get it is because the union is subtisidizing the project to keep the non out, hum. got another story my friend was working out of town, union steel fabricator and wanted to stay home so i told him to get a gutter machine ( optimistic right todd ) well he got big for his britches when he found out that there was only one union gutter company in oregon so he was going to be MR #2 ya they told him pie in the sky but it did not turn out so he wanted to bail out; the union told him that he could not get out and they would sue him at a cost of 20K just for attorney fees and if he did not pay his dues they would throw him out and he thought that was fine but the wife continued to send the payment. so he sold a profitable business to some meat head that never paid past the down payment so he could be removed from the liability. moral of the story do not play another mans game, MR pesimistic. 

Todd 01-28-2008
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eugene you are ok in my book. I was just teasing you.

sunmas 01-29-2008
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I\'m located i northern Ontario. Spoke to the union supervisor again today and he told me that if I would have talked to them before purchasing my 2nd pump he could have sign me up as an  o/p . What do they care as I thought all they really want is the $$$$$$$ So what is the difference if I pay the dues myself or pay dues for another employee

Bob 01-29-2008
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Whos side are you on when it is time to vote for a new contract?