U.S. Airlines Raise Domestic Prices For Sixth Time This Year. Makes you think?
Todd 05-03-2011
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If the Airlines can raise their prices 6 times this year maybe we can raise our prices at least 3 or 4 times this year. 

Another trend every pump company should be on is a fuel sure charge and a hazardous clean up fee.

Any other ideas? How about not doing a job unless you make money on it.

Beast 05-03-2011
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we added a 5% surcharge onto all invoices, this helps but is not a permanent fix, looking to do about a 5-10$ per hr increase, plus .25 per yard and keep the fuel in place, travel charge is getting to be a must with these escalating fuel prices.

Dipstick 05-03-2011
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What about if less people would start with concretepumping?? Or the existing companies stop expanding for a while? Its a free market where offer/price is the rule.. So the more pumps the lower the price.. Thats how it works in a free market.

If the customer has to much choice he will always go for the lowest price instead of choosing a good stable compagnie that will always help him out.

Many 05-03-2011
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I really believe the airlines have the formula down pretty good,the choice,get a horse.

Mike made a great comment awhile back,price sheets.Do the basic math to costs/profit,print the sheet and go from there.The choice? Wheelbarrows.

biged 05-03-2011
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Dipstick when a customer calls we can get them taken care maybe the same day the call comes in,Last July I raised my hourly charge 10.00/ and yard charge .25/ just last month I started and 8 % fuel charge, right now gas here is 3.76 a gallon / Diesel is 3.99 a gallon.

Many 05-04-2011
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Good for you,prices here about the same on gas/diesel

Dipstick 05-04-2011
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Thats really good for you biged. Not all of us mannage to raise the prices without loosing customers. Diesel prices are record high here also. Wages go up... it sucks.

But its a challance to find other ways to make more money isn't it?? We have to work more economicly and take more care to not dammage or ware out things unnessasary..  

biged 05-04-2011
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This is the first time I had a fuel surcharge I don't like the idea and some of my regular customers I don't charge it to them.