very intermitent pump issues
38zman 05-27-2008
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Hey I have a odd problem I operate a 07 36z putz and now and then it just stops pumping... everything else works.

Now when I try to operate the plungers on the valve bank between the water tank and the hopper nothing happens I have power going to the LED lights on the valve bank but for some reason I cannot manually stroke it wont charge....nothing and then in anywhere from 20 seconds to 30 min it will start again. I have tried everything and this has been going on now for a few months. I can go days...weeks no problem and then...bang

I have thought of crapp in the oil plugging the small parts in the bank ...

But today when it did it I was.... well you know I was sucking the ball on flashing mud and dead I wound up washing the 3rd and 4 th section and it started to pump again so I sucked back the ball from the end of the 2nd section.

I managed to get the hard mud out and when I went to close the hopper the concrete was rock hard.... anyway if this has happened to anyone please tell me what you did to fix this.


PUMBO 05-27-2008
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Were do we start? Sounds like electrical issue or maybee heat related? Not a genious with new pump designs but basic troubleshooting will suggest:

Is the oil temp ok when operating? How about the temperature probe faulty?

Have you isolated the fault, that its not the radio control by using the cable remote assuming you have one?

Have you checked all emergency relays?

Does manuall overide of pumping (where the brain is two buttons) work when pushed. You can actually control with the button valves the pumping unit. 

Just a start...

If you described your symptoms throrughly step by step in detail i'm sure elefantparts/service can guide you.


pumpit 05-28-2008
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When your losing pumping you need to see if you have power at the cycling valve you may have an issue with your e stop relay. One other thing ive seen is your 2K238 relay or module may be failing.

ftworth58 05-28-2008
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I agree with pumpit on the relay I have had the same problem on 42putz in the past and heated relays cause failure.

pudg 05-28-2008
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watch the remote I've had problems with remotes doing the same thing.Could also be overheating problem,or as the guys have said a number of electrical issues on a putz,good luck

38zman 05-28-2008
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Ok call me dumb but when I am trying to over ride the system with the manual over ride would that only be hydraulic only no electrical... I push in the high output valve and there is nothing.

ScottS 05-28-2008
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All of what the group has said is a possibility the first thing you need to address is the fact if it is Hydraulic or electric problem .the answer was you pushed in the palm valve and it did nothing . the question I would ask if you held in the palm valve or manual override and held it in are you saying it was 20 or 30 seconds and it took off pumping . this could be a couple of things .you said this has been going on for a couple of months.this could be trash in the flushing valve holding open control oil to tank ? or charge pressure which is control pressure is set low .this needs to be addressed soon or one day the pump may just stop and you will not be able to even suck back a ball .If you have any pump questions like this feel free to email me at I am also in the consultants section of this web site .

pumpit 05-29-2008
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You dont want to push the POH in you want the cycling valve the only valve with two push knobs on both sides

Bob 06-05-2008
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What was the problem?