Veterans Day Wednesday
tebequip 11-10-2009
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Please remember our Vets and our Troops today.

Devote this day to our Vets and Troops. Attend your local Memorial Service and stand proud. Put a flag out and try and tell a troop or Vet. Thank You for Your Service.

God Bless America Because In God We Trust

We love our Vets and Troops. Thank you for Serving.

pudg2 11-10-2009
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Happy Veterans Day to all whom have put their life at risk or given their time their lives ,their physical and mental health, all gave some some gave all,and no matter our individual beliefs on this war or wars past every Vet,living or deceased deserves to be recognized and honored on this day, I would like to say thank you and god bless you all, all citizens and non-citizens of this great country can never repay our debt to all of you,this is a day set aside for all of you and I hope you all have a great one.

Munir 11-11-2009
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Hi Tom,

Always a great message from you.

Heave a good one.

Many 11-11-2009
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Welcome Home

Big Tobacco 11-11-2009
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To all of our Veterans, a heart felt "Thank You" and Happy Veterans Day. God Bless all of you...

Big T