Watch as Bob Stevens Catches a Sponge and look double ended hose work.
Todd 03-02-2009
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Check  out this video of Bob Stevens catching a clean out sponge on a high rise job site. Look they are using a double ended hose. Who cares about safety on this job site? Crap lets put on a how unsafe are we show on youtube and its all good. Were are the owners?? Does nobody care what we look like? Does anyone care about being safe? Holy cow if you are going to be a dumb ass can you at least turn off the camera?

Todd 03-02-2009
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Somebody please tell me if I am wrong, are they using air to blow out that pipe than steve catches the sponge right?

Bob 03-02-2009
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Be sure to send a copy to Norman Spenser so they could use it as a "what to NEVER do" video

Todd 03-02-2009
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I have a copy of the two videos showing double end hose and Steve catching the sponge. Does anyone know who the pump company is?

ruck 03-02-2009
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WOW,Thats all I can say

Todd 03-02-2009
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Here is the double end hoses video.


Many 03-02-2009
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Hey Todd,ya mean these guys.Brought to you from senic Denver,Colorado.hehehe

Todd 03-02-2009
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Here is Bob Stevens the proud Sponge catcher. Bad bad Bob.


Many 03-02-2009
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Todd,I wonder what would happen if one sent that vidieo link to osha? I can say been there done that elswhere.

Todd 03-02-2009
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Dont they have a safety guy? I see they are running Putz, who trained these guys?

Bear 03-02-2009
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WTF.  Thats just unreal. But let me ask a question do you think he would actually try that if he new what kind of pressure was behind it and what damage it could do to him

Biggin 03-02-2009
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thats as bad as the video of them blowing out the system its all fun until someone gets hurt.

Biggin 03-02-2009
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Quit yelling

Todd 03-02-2009
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How has Bob Stevens lived as long as he has?

Bear 03-02-2009
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your right and by the looks of that it won't be long

Bear 03-02-2009
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by the way thats not yelling thats screeming

Bob 03-02-2009
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Sending anything to OSHA is at the top of the list of worst ideas anyone ever had. The pumping industry needs to get its own act together; we do not need government "help" as in - "I am from the local OSHA office here to HELP you get more safe while you pay all these fines"

Please scratch them off of your list of people to contact.

thanks ;~)

ruck 03-02-2009
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I agree with you 100%.


Many 03-02-2009
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What would his wife and family said should he lose his head.No way,I was a close friend of David's and "stupid is as stuipid does" The longer these subjects are allowed to continue people get hurt/killed.Once these "firm" regulations are enacted by the the government then the contractors have to obey.Safety depatments all over this world need to take note,I will never hurt someone because I was stupid and got lazy.

There have been absolutely to many discussions about what should or shouldn't be done.Time to stand up and do what's right.

Nebuchadnezzar 03-02-2009
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No that it matters to you guys but when he is catching the sponge, there is no concrete in teh line, just slurry. Some pressure in there yes but not as much as if there was concrete in there.

ShortStik 03-02-2009
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well ive always wondered what the results are with unrelieved air.  now ive seen two in a day courtesy U-Tube.  i hope we're all taking notes for the day we are thrown on a 'Revel' site. 

typesdubs 03-02-2009
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If thats down in AC, NJ it is Madison Concrete.

Todd 03-02-2009
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I just heard that Delaware Concrete Pumping is supplying the labor for the pump job. So the 3 guys running the pump job work for Joe. That is what i have heard but it has not been confirmed as of yet. I guess i will know when Joe calls me.

805 659-3437


Many 03-02-2009
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Nebuchadnezzar it only took one round to lose my finger,how many rocks to lose a head.

Todd 03-02-2009
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What happen Many?

WHO?? 03-02-2009
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Couple things.... What the hell was wrong with the hose (other than double ended) it looked as though it was about to come apart.Did any one else notice it squirting from behind the steel?? and why in the hell would you catch the sponge? that's just plain retarded!! Even if you did catch it off a bounce??..That video is chock full of BAD DESICION making

Many 03-02-2009
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Bullet,weapon unknow other than small arms fire RVN 67-71.Bless our vets.

Joe 03-02-2009
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I would have to say that is pretty freaking retarded, I think we've all done some not bright things, but this one pretty much takes the cake in all facets....

Drew AUS 03-02-2009
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I have no sympathy for a dik or a pack of them , all the best to them i hope they get caught and get all they deserve..

Y is it that everytime i see a concrete pumping vid its got ppl doin stupid and unsafe things, do people not know better? or do just think its cool to do it?

mick 03-02-2009
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what a pack of wankers y would u blow a spounge that fast for one and where is the blow out cage to catch it imagine the mess it would make i say give them the sack before some one gets hurt

TooTall 03-03-2009
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 It looked to me like they blew the system down into a truck with a pig or a go devil. Then they ran the sponge through afterwards? Still not too smart!

 Their excuse for the double ender is probably because they started the pour with some extra system off the end of the placing boom, but did'nt take the time to swap it out for a whip hose after they were finnished breaking hose off? BIG HURRY! that's my guess?

 Hey Todd, you should kill'em with kindness? Find out their address and send them a few stickers to show them how to "Pump it Like the Pros..." along with an invitation to

TooTall 03-03-2009
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 A recent episode of "Dirtiest Jobs" with Mike Rowe, was about concrete and chipping out build up in mixer drums. There was some footage of a red boom hanging a 4" double ender, right there on prime time TV!

 I think there's still alot of people that simply dont know any better?

typesdubs 03-03-2009
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I like the hose laid down with holes in the end spitting out all the grout

Bob 03-03-2009
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If this action is typical of what goes on at that construction site watch out!

There must be a lack of safety people or safety awareness there.

Too bad for the folks that own that company...... and their insurance company.

tebequip 03-03-2009
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Bob, This is a really good company. The owner is a great guy. High quality group for sure. The guy who runs the field will not be happy about this. I talked to him and he was to look into it. He is a real hard nosed concrete guy and will make sure this is corrected I am sure.

Todd 03-03-2009
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I just found that Madison belongs to the ACPA and they participant in the ACPA certified concrete pump operator program.

I was going to send them the ACPA web site link and suggest they join but they already belong.

Todd 03-03-2009
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Here is a hard hat sticker you guys should have.


Todd 03-03-2009
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I think we need a new hard hat sticker that teaches guys not to catch the sponge.


ruck 03-03-2009
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How about a guy with no head.And under it will say (don't catch Sponges)Or you will look like this.

Bob 03-03-2009
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Here is a picture of the real



murf 03-03-2009
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move over jonny knoxx, sponge bob is the new jackass!!!

Bob 03-03-2009
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On a more serious note:

I think that we have the ability to straighten things out in our industry with out government mandates. That being said....

If you are ever on a job and feel threatened by what is going on and you feel that either someone is wanting you to do something that you know is wrong - or - someone else is obviously doing something that you feel is totally unsafe and is going to cause injury to your self or one of your co-workers; there is a phone number for you to call for help.


It is easier to make that call than the one to the ambulance. ;~)

johnjohnjohn 03-03-2009
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for those of you still stuck using double ended hoses; it's easier to change that hose than it is to explain to lawyers during a deposition why a guy's face is caved in. or his ribs, or shattered knees. you get the picture. or look at it this way, five minutes changing hose? or a few days off suspended and another off to talk to lawyers. no brainer for me...jjj

pudg 03-03-2009
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just wandering, why do we continue to post crap like this ? like these guys are some kind of heroes for doing something so stupid, we ban people and there posts for speaking there mind and giving there opinions but posting something so unsafe is allowed , I understand that its showing us what not to do , but what about the rookie that tries his luck ? first the blowout video now this one , so many people that are injured or killed doing exactly what we are showing, we all talk shit about how the media blows things up , what is this website doing ? the same thing advertising unsafe practices, me for one dont really care for it,as funny as it may seem to some, to me not really so funny,in my opinion irresponsible doing it and irresponsible showing it.just my opinion nothing more

Todd 03-03-2009
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Ok I just got off the phone with Jim Dolente president of Madison Concrete. He called me about the video that was posted on The video that shows 3 of his guys operating a concrete pump blowing out the system with air and a guy catching the sponge.


The phone call went well and Jim is a very nice guy. He was very respectful and was open to talking to me about the video. Jim told me that the video was a fake and that nobody was catching the sponge and that the video was shot twice one with a sponge shooting out and another video with somebody tossing Bob Stevens a sponge and than it was edited together to produce the vide that is on


Jim Dolente asked me to post this explanation on


Jim also stated that he is looking into what has happened and that his foreman is very upset that this whole thing happened. Jim is also working on getting the video off of


I wanted to thank Jim for calling me and I hope to have another chance to talk to him again.


Todd Bullis


Nebuchadnezzar 03-03-2009
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Many.....I see your point. I myself would never consider doing anything like that or allowing anything like that on my jobsites, it is just dumb.

But on a side note, tell them to redo the video and have the dumb ass catch it with his teeth

tebequip 03-03-2009
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As I said in a previous post. This is a first class company and the owner a first class guy. They do great work and are great contractors on the job and in the community. Yes the double ended hose is a  safety issue that these guys were not aware of. It will be corrected for sure. The sponge thing was staged for the video.


I have known the outside manager for many years. He has been with the with this company for twenty years or more. These guys are very good people. All of them.


They do high profile work and do not need this type issue hanging over them. It will be corrected for sure.

Many 03-03-2009
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That meant allot,thanks.

People lets get real here,wake up and small the coffee.There is only so much the operator can do,or risk retribution from contractor or employer.It's some (not all) owners and contractors (not all) just practice unsafe procedures.We are all guilty,each and every one of us at some point and time.

The only real people that would admit this is the operators,lawyers,insurance companies.As I have stated in the past I have little respect for the acpa as they could in fact effect change,seems like all that matters is the black ink.

Allot of us are old salts and pretty much have it together but what about the new people entering this industry.If we do not get some sort of regulatory sanctions they will be thrown to the wolves and some will pay the price.Yeah,I know more regulations but how did the crane industry get it going?

We can talk the talk,untill we relly walk the walk people are at risk.Some will hate me,some not,stand up and just do it "can do sir"

gene1 03-04-2009
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Horsesh#t!  That video is not FAKED!  That was a REAL double ended hose and that idiot really caught that sponge.  What about the idiot on the mixer?  That whole jobsite is full of violations.  This needs reporting to OSHA!  If OSHA is what it takes to quit killing/injuring people because of shoddy training and low standards, so be it.  There is a company in East Texas that hired a operator I fired for safety, that other pump companies had fired for safety, we warned this company about him and he turned over a 47m Sany and broke a guys back.  I am tired of this.  I wish the would prosecute operators for criminal negligence for the things that happen as a result of them not following safety guidelines.  This does not need to be swept under the table.  I don't care if the owner is a "nice guy"  From what I saw, he is a liar. 

Todd 03-04-2009
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Here they are pouring with a double ended hose. Now remember everyone its ok to use a double ended hose as long as you have a single ended discharge hose connected to it. If you have to shorten your hose you remove one of your double ended hoses and reattach your discharge hose.

Todd 03-04-2009
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Todd 03-04-2009
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Ok here is a good shot of a discharge hose, the problem with this picture is that the discharge hose has a hole in it about 6 inches from the end. Concrete keeps spilling out of it. The big problem with this is that it could catch something and cause a blockage and spray concrete out the side of the hose and really hurt somebody. This hose needs to be fixed or tossed off the job. This is very dangerous.


Todd 03-04-2009
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ruck 03-04-2009
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I'm not going to sit here and bash people on this site,But I do have to say the people in this video are wrong. Even if it was altered,WHY in the hell would you show it on you tube.If you where tring to be funny or Not.Someone on YOUR job site is going to get killed,Then you will say what the hell did we do wrong.LOOK AT THE VIDEO JACK ASS.Thats what you did wrong.That Is my feeling on this.People like you make us all look like fools.We don't need you.

cretepumper2 03-04-2009
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I rarely post on here but felt I should put in my 2 cents worth on this video. There are so many safety violations I don't quite know where to start. I see concrete squirting from places other than the end of the hose. Thats just asking for trouble to say the least. What about the guy sitting on top of the mixer? I assume he's getting ready to clamp the ball catcher on the end of the stand pipe, but surely there's a better/safer way to do it.

 One of the other posts said the sponge catching was staged and I'm beginning to wonder if the whole video was staged and we've all been taken hook line and sinker.

pudg2 03-04-2009
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a heated discussion gets deleted,a flipped over pump deleted,politics deleted, but a video with more safety violations than a pump operator high, boomed over powerlines while smoking another joint, on shortrigged outriggers with a double ended hose and some saying these guys are quality all the way and this and that, but it stays ,priceless,glad its not my house. Way to set the standard for rookies and people that listen to hey these are quality all the way ,boy wander why our industry is in deep shit, I have always been proud of this website and my part in it but not so much anymore, so for now goodbye to all I want be on to much anymore,sorry to say but thats the way it is,thanks for all the help from all and good luck to all.

Todd 03-04-2009
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Pudg2 holy cow, you complain when stuff gets deleted and when it does not get deleted. Look these guys post this crap on and make it look like everything is ok. I am pointing out that it is not ok. We are not talking about an operator who flipped a pump when we dont know why or how come. We are talking about a contractor and a pump company who is doing this stuff and we can see it happening, we have proof of what they are doing and its not safe. The reason this is on the web site is because we believe it is foolish and irresponsible for this type of video to be on unless it is pointing out how foolish these actions are. Why do you get so up set at me. You are the only one i that is upset that i am pointing this youtube video out and saying this is wrong. I even had an insurance company tell me that I was doing a great job and to keep it up.

If you want to leave this web site because you think I am promoting unsafe practices than I have to think you been drinking or something like that.

pudg2 03-04-2009
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no,no drinking just hypocritical editing ,and I have never got mad for anything being deleted it is your house and I have never questioned that Ive stood behind you everytime because its your house and I have respected that and youtube isnt a site promoting safety I thought was , we cant see pumps turned on there sides but look watch this guy he is so cool he catches the worlds fastest nerf ball how many younguns full of piss and vinegar will try this ? I dont know this number, how many rookies might learn a lesson from seeing a pump down picture wow lets show them what can happen if you do this, but its okay to show a jackass catching a blown pig and not come back with a list of the injured or dead that has fallen due to faulty blowout practices and I am not mad at anyone I have enjoyed my time here and I respect you all, just for now I think I must go as I said before good luck to all its time for me to spend my time more productively and less time typing.its fishing season you know.PUMP ON !

Todd 03-04-2009
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pudg2 i am pointing out that the guy is wrong not making him look good.

tommy 03-04-2009
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i worked on this job site and know joe and benny they are two local respectful po they are alll about safety i dont seee how this is possible....

mytfynsunshine 03-12-2009
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Just my opinion. The person who posted the video posted it on Youtube, not on concrete You are the one that posted it on here. Was it full of unsafe practices, yes, but I feel it was their video to post, not yours. Just like illes posted his pump turned on its side, I feel that it should have stayed on the message board. It was his companies pump and his accident. Now if someone from a different company or another operator from another company posted it, then I feel it should have been pulled. But do what you want, it's your site.