We all have a lot to share
Travelteck 01-23-2012
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So why are sites like these so important any way?

There are a lot of reasons. The knowledge transfer is important and of course the kinship shared in the industry around the world is good as well.

I have had a lot of guys that say they read these posts and topics but don’t comment or contribute out of fear of saying something wrong or getting bashed. I also share that concern except for one thing I can’t shut up when it comes to talking about what I love and neither should you.

What started this was me thinking of a story, I was visiting a customer in XXX USA, it was toward the end of a long hot summer and he had made it through, I showed up to do a boom inspection and check a few things out, talking with the operator I learned he had been having problems with pumping and had several boom parties that summer, “We all Know what they are”. So I decided to delay my departure to go out with him the next day to watch the pump and see if there was something wrong that I couldn’t see by testing at the yard, all looked good in the yard.

The following day I got to the job and the unit operated fine the job went good and he did a good job, until he had to move and then wait for mud….. you might guess what comes next, remember long HOT summer after about 30 minutes I started to get nervous and questioned him about the next load and he said it could be some times up to an Hour before it got there in 100+ F , well Now I knew the issue I told him to circulate the concrete and he looked at me like  I was speaking  a different language. What is circulate? he asks me ?  Let me show you so I ask for the remote and spin the boom around putting the hose into the hopper and started pumping adding just a little water to soften the mix back to life again, the poor guy stood there reliving the last summer watching what I was doing just totally amazed. He had No clue he could do that, he had been struggling with dry mud on clean out, boom parties waiting on mud, and all because he didn’t know.

Whose fault is it?   It don’t really matter why didn’t someone on site know, why didn’t the owner know, why didn’t he ask on one of these sites, but he knows now.


So this is why I keep doing it I might not always say it correctly, I know I don’t use the correct grammar all the time but there are always new Guys and Gals joining the sites and they haven’t been there and done that and all that BS and they deserve to know.


If you are new to the site jump in ask a question there are no stupid questions, If you are bashful you can PM or call,  any old timers that are worth their salt wont be bashing because we have all been there and we will tell you a secrete, we are all still there.

These pumps teach us every day.Cool

concreteluvr 01-23-2012
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THanks Travel. Does not get much better with Travel here. Factory advice from a factory guy.

Use it. Its free and will help you. this is the input we all need. Treat it in a positive way. Great to see the jobsite pictures from around the world, the questions and the answers.

You dont have to bash to get the point across and help someone. We all made the mistakes at one time and still make them.

Thanks again Travel for your time and want to help out.



seedless 01-24-2012
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Now that's a good read, thanks Alan.

boony 01-25-2012
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nice story i,ve trained a few guys over the years i always say its better to ask a stupid quetion then do something stupid.and for all of us if you see or hear of a better easier or safer way of doing something why not change even if we,ve been doin it for 50years.thats my 10cents worth. still pumping hard in australia with the occasionaly blockage.

Dipstick 01-25-2012
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I wish everyone was so open for tips.. I only think its good that people come up to me and say: Maybe its better to do it so and so.. I don't care at all if they have been driving 1 year or 25 years. A fresh eye can sometimes see things that we haven't noticed in a long time..

But I've discovered that not everyone is that open for advice and see it rather like you are critisizing them. Some people can not take a tip from someone that has less year under the belt.. Some people can not take tips from anyone at all. The think their way is the best way.. I personaly feel sorry for that kind of operator and try to make sure I don't say anything to those to (in my eyes) try to help them. They can figure it out by them selves just fine. Why would I risk to be disliked by someone just for trying to help??

seedless 01-28-2012
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LOL had a tough set up, one day. Customer was an RCMP cop Canadian Mounty. I scratched my left nut trying to puzzle the site together, he comes up and says move the pump ahead 3 ft. hmmm Doh. yup that worked great.