Jaybo 12-22-2008
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Anyone else on the Canadian side or American side getting slammed with hurricane force winds? +20 - 30 cm of snow mixed in for good measure ,this little island here is getting winds that  haven't been seen in at least 5 yrs.

I was just wondering if anyone else day was as much fun ! LOL !!

Seed 12-22-2008
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The weather man said we were going to get high winds but it missed Southern, Maine. I hope you did not have to pump in it. It really is not worth it!

Jaybo 12-22-2008
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Had a 300 yd floor slab scheduled this morning but was put off thank god.

elkhunterz 12-23-2008
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Pumped in Sheridan, Wy today.  49 yards of foam walls.  It was 5 degrees F with a 12 mph wind.  Started the pump with all trucks there and never shut it down until I put the water in the hopper to water wash. 

Burton 12-24-2008
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Is that an S-bend? Becarefull buddy.


elkhunterz 12-24-2008
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Contractors request is the only way I put them on, and usually try to talk them out of it.

TooTall 12-24-2008
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Do you run that air-cuff all the time, year-round?

elkhunterz 12-25-2008
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not an air cuff, just a 5-4 reducer, 4 inch hose and the damn s-tube.  I think you are mistaking the safety straps for air hose.

TooTall 12-28-2008
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OK, The way its pointing outward it did'nt look like a reducer it also looked like 5" hose.

Many 12-28-2008
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I hate to sound out of round here but I have a question.If I put the s-tube on the discharge end I'm opening pandord's box,right? If I put the s-tube at the 5-4 reducer (say 5" to 3" or whatever) then I have reduced the liability by how much?

I have always put the reduction at the boom and never hurt anyone,plug or no plug.Is there any mathmatical wizards out there that can help me figure this out? If this has become a question of wits then they should learn how to build the forms better.

There was an outfit out of Utah that did a ICF dorm at Buckley Air Force base,pump on baby with a 3 1/2" tip.If I can get my memory together perhaps I will poise this thought to the ICF people.

My Best

bigstick 12-29-2008
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It is absolutely brutal here in central fl.  Winds about  five mph, afternoon highs of about 79-82F.  Gotta love being me.

SUPERDOFFER 12-29-2008
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its a litle of topic but talking about s'bent on a tiphose whe have used it for years but only on a 5"hose at slow speed. that way if you where standing near the poor you where abel to see the flow going tru.

my opinion if the contrator want something on the hose try the safety cone