Well you know when summer starts in California fire and earthquake.
Todd 05-08-2009
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Yep more fire and today we had a 4.2 earthquake, little earthquake, lol thats a good thing but a big nasty fire.

Todd 05-08-2009
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Todd 05-08-2009
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oh yes and trafic but we have that all year round.

Todd 05-08-2009
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Todd 05-08-2009
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Todd 05-08-2009
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WHO?? 05-08-2009
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DAMN!!! I hope the best for evey one!! I remember fires and quakes!!! SUCK!!!!!


It took me a minute to figure out what the hell that was but then it dawned on me...that USED to be the wheel!!!!

ruck 05-08-2009
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God, I hope this is no where near you.If so,Please be safe and take care of your family.Good luck


Todd 05-08-2009
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fire is about 30 to 40 min away and coming this way but i dont live in a fire zone. We are ok. Its those rich moutain homes that are going up.

Pump N00b 05-08-2009
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Sad for those who lose their homes, but good for those who get to rebuild them I guess...

That wheel look like something from a Terminator movie! Scary!

Drew AUS 05-09-2009
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scary stuff , we had the worst fires ever here this summer i cant remember how much was lost but i know it was the worst disaster we had ever seen !!!

I hope there all ok, ritch or not when you lose everything its still everything ..

We called it black saturday

Chubby 05-09-2009
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yea the fries are crazy haha and yea it does look like something out of a terminator movie if you look at it long enough its going to start growing back. and its sucks to see people lose there homes but at the sametime it creates work for us also mother nature has its good and bad