What a good week, we got 2 more new sponsors.
Todd 04-24-2009
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I would like to thank Concrete Washout Systems


I woud like to thank Flowline.

I am very happy they are going to support this web site.

Bear 04-24-2009
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Have had the pleasure of washing out in one of there unit. Pretty cool idea. And no standing in slop while washing up is the best part 

Todd 04-24-2009
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Yep good stuff. I saw them at the world of concrete and it looked great.

G-man 04-25-2009
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really great watching the site grow over the years, I'm sure I speak for many folks when I say I'm happy for you / your family.                  Me personally, I have learned one heck of alot, products, solving problems, avoiding problems etc. etc. etc. from this site.

However becoming increasingly concerned as the list of sponsors grows about the restrictions on the flow of information.  For example, just wondering if Pumpco had become a sponser five weeks ago how many posts would have been deleted??    Really intriqued that BBCP would let membership in a national organization lapse, yet pay to ""sponsor "" this site ?????

My needs as a owner go beyond just what products to buy, I also need to gather info about the state of the industry,  the players in the industry, ( both companies and indivuduals) to make long term decisions.  This site is just one of those avenues.

In addition for a long time I would review posts about safety issues,  its one thing hearing about problems from operators, it's quite another hearing from an " expert " in this rather specializied field.  Hopefully that void can be filled soon.




Todd 04-25-2009
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Your a stand up guy Steve. I just wanted to let you know I will always try to do what is right and to do what is rigth becouse it is the right thing to do. I mess Bob also. I thought he would be back by now.