Bob | 04-10-2008 | comment profile send pm notify |
There was a post earlier about having GPS units in the pumps. There seemed to be some resistance due to a perceived lack of trust on the part of management. Some of the ops’ felt strongly about it and it surprised me. What if the GPS unit could be utilized as a ‘map’ for the op’ so that he could see where he was in relation to the job he was looking for; would that lessen the hostilities? It would take it out of the spy gear technology and make it more of a helpful tool. I do know that to count on it for routing is a bit rough as the unit, as configured, doesn’t know that your pump weighs 65,000# and is 13’ high. I know that one pump company is working on that problem (which is good). So, what do you say there operators, monetary considerations aside, would these additional features make it more operator friendly? It is a shame to see this useful bit of technology not universally used. ;~) |
Bob | 04-10-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
My bet is that Pauline will have GPS in her new pumps |
ftworth58 | 04-10-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
Having a gps unit in my pump wouldnt bother me,I dont think its a lack of trust by mangement and if it is and your are a honest operater,where is the problem. Having something else to look at while your driving to give you directions is just asking for trouble, I perfer know your way before you leave the yard,pull over and look at your mapsco if in doubt, however I believe every salesman should have in his truck,LOL |
concrete animal | 04-10-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
Bob I know what your talking about, but I keep mt personal GPS in the truck when I travel. It takes a lot of the stress off trying to find jobs- SOMETIMES. doesnt replace direction but helps. It wouldnt bother me if employer wanted to know where HIS property was. |
Bob | 04-10-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
My favorite is when you are lost and it is too dark to really get a fix on things and you ask dispatch for some fine tuned directions to get you exactly where you need to be........ and they ask "Where are you now?" I am right where that red dot says I am
OldSchool2 | 04-10-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
we have had gps in all our co. trucks and pumps for about 4 years and it works great. the operators have no problem with it. It is a very helpful tool for our business. It has the ability to route operators from one job to the next. You are able to see all pumps at their locations at one time. You are able to tell which ones are moving or on their jobs and how long they have been there. You can see where they are when they are lost and get them back on the right route. If there is a discrepency about the on job time with the customer you can print a report showing their arrival and leave times and how long it takes to get there. Soon it may be linked with pumping software. |
ruck | 04-10-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
Ok, I understand what you guys are talking about.I can see why they would be used for everything from direction,And for billing.I have never had one,some times I wish I did.The only reason i'm alittle hesitant about them is All i have ever heard is is bad things about them up here.There is a ridi mix company up here that fire guys for stopping for lunch. Because they didn't call in. Like someone said last time, only the people who don,t like them are the who have something to hide.Thats true.I just hope they are not used to spy on operators. I hope you understand where i'm coming from. Ruck |
Bob | 04-10-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
How is your truck routing software doing? |
Bob | 04-10-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
Every operator in the world stops for a drink (soft) and a burger; and every owner knows it. The guys that get busted for parking behind a building until all the afternoon jobs are covered; well.. they need to be busted. It shouldn't matter to anyone else. |
Seed | 04-11-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
I remember this conversation about the GPS units from last time. I forget who it was but they sold me on the benefits of a GPS unit. As I mentioned before. I am not an eye in the sky kind of person. Will these units be a big help to Uncle Sam for tax purposes in the future? Will he someday ask why the books are roughly fifty grand off! The GPS records show your equipment did a lot more driving around? It appears your equipment spent roughly the same amount of time at certain locations where ironically new foundations were placed but you have no documentation (other than the GPS) that your company was there. Would you like to explain or just wright out a check? |
Bob | 04-11-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
YO, SEED, You can turn it off for those secret cash pours and trips to the stripper bar. ;~) |
Many | 04-11-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
seed,it was pumpermike Here's a few things about GPS that you are not thinking of. For one, in our area we often get in areas that we have no cell phone service. The GPS units in our trucks however can still get a signal 9 times out of 10 when the phone cannot. If that truck for any reason has a problem, not only can the driver send me a text stating so - I can see that the vehicle is stopped and the exact location. Thus without the driver having cell phone service - I can take care of the job he is heading to along with the operator. Next - if for some reason the operator gets lost (not they ever would hehe) I can pull them up on a mapping screen and get them there quicker. 3rd - none of my operators have to fill out logs - the GPS does that for them and is acceptable for DOT. 4th - if that pump was to be in an accident - exact speed before and at the crash along with exact times can be pulled. 5th - if for any reason you ever have a dispute with a customer over times on a job - whether it be total time billed or whether you were on time - it is all there. I can also tell from looking at GPS whether the pump has moved to wash yet or has not moved from its original location. Thus if it is time that it should be washed and ready for the next job and is not - I can delay the 2nd job. and not lastly - yes it can be used for time card verification, route verification, etc. There are benefits for both the operator and the employer and not all of them have to do with trust. I have 3 of the best operators around and they don't mind a bit that those units are on there. In fact - they know that if something were to happen I would be able to assist without their ability to call. And to answer the original question - we use @road for our service. |
ruck | 04-11-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
Bob You are right those are the guys.You guys have sold me. If I worked for a company that had them I won't mind. Right know I work for a small company and i'm the only pump operator.But a could see a big company having them.It would help. Ruck |
Seed | 04-11-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
I support the GPS! Thanks pumper Mike! Bob, what kind of a company works for CASH? Are you kidding me! |
Bob | 04-11-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
Way back when (company name left blank) we used to give a discount for cash. I am sure all appropriate taxes were paid.............. trust me ;~) |
Seed | 04-11-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
Hell yea Bob! Twelve Pumps can produce What? About $100,000 in cash! Imagine what 300 or 600 could do?
Raymond | 04-13-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
Hey- There's a redi-mix company out here that has an in-cab camera, aimed at the driver, recording at all times. If there's an emergency stop situation, the video feed instantly pops up on the computer screen of whoever's monitoring the camera system. GPS doesn't seem so invasive compared to this, huh? |
Bob | 04-13-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
no s%@t |
Many | 04-14-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
Raymond,that's funny.Most companies I have seen the camara faces out windsheild to view any information about accidents. That approach is very common in europe,out windshield.I could percieve many such messages I would be conveying on film. |