What Improvements would you like to see done to ConcretePumping.com
Todd 02-05-2014
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Here is what we are workingon right now. 

1. Thumbs up and Thumbs down on each post.

2. Increase Picture size.

3. Upload 5 photos at a time.

What are some of your ideas?


cbconcretepumper 02-05-2014
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I think it'd be cool if there was an easy to navigate tech section.

where there was..

1. general pumping questions

for example : changing mudcups, knowing your mixes, when your plugged what to do, safe operation of pumps..etc

2. Specific pumps, have a list of specific pumps and people can find theirs, upload and find manuals and questions about that pump or truck

Davy41 02-05-2014
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Keep an active thread at the top.Wink

xforce1 02-05-2014
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Iphone app

xforce1 02-05-2014
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I agree with the active thread but also, when a topic is commented on, it automatically goes to the top. Keeps it fresh all the time.

mudcup 02-05-2014
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Dipstick 02-05-2014
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Maybe something that warns you when you got mail..

Dipstick 02-05-2014
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thumbs up/down is a good idea. I was wishing for that already for a long time Wink

180 flyer 02-05-2014
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SPELL CHECKER. Wink  Active threads stay at the top as with other message boards. Also, a way to preview your reply before posting. vbulletin and pmpbb are both able to do this. It's a nice feature. 

Infidel 02-05-2014
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1. Smart Phone app

2. Maint. Section for various questions when it comes to pump maint. Try and organize by pump (schwing, putz, alliance)

3. Employment section

4. A way to let us know when we have mail/messages

5. In memory section (when we lose a fellow brother/sister in our industry lets have a place to recongnize them)



gboom 02-05-2014
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When you reply to a topic, have the post visible in a reading pane

Dipstick 02-06-2014
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Spell checker is a very good one. Specialy for us that don't have english as our mother language Wink

cp 02-06-2014
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1. spell check

2. larger picture size

3. active discussions to the top, and mabye a longer list of posts. sometimes good topics get pushed below the line (page 2) and we all know thats where they go to die.

4. mabye instead of one big message board list, it could be broken into say 4 or 5 main categories like, Boom pumps, line pumps, pump maintance/issues/emergency help, saftey, and job photos. Admin Edit

Mister_Perkins 02-06-2014
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1. Active Topics bumped to top.

2. Updated mobile app to automatically rotate images (or ability to rotate them)

3, PM's available on mobile app

4, Automatic Embed of Videos from youtube simply by posting a link

5. Ability to view videos on Mobile App

6. Ability to discuss freely other pumps that are not sponsors

Generation 3 Pumper 02-08-2014
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Iphone app

Todd 02-08-2014
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ok ok, i just put up the money to finish the iphone app.  Thanks for prompting me to finish it. I should call it gen3 app.

AZ pumper 02-09-2014
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Will it be done before 2015

mudcup 02-09-2014
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Thank you very much Todd 

Todd 02-09-2014
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No problem. I love the site also and I am looking forward to all the new updates.