What the centrists have wrought
Bob 02-07-2009
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by Paul Krugman

What the centrists have wrought

I’m still working on the numbers, but I’ve gotten a fair number of requests for comment on the Senate version of the stimulus.

The short answer: to appease the centrists, a plan that was already too small and too focused on ineffective tax cuts has been made significantly smaller, and even more focused on tax cuts.

According to the CBO’s estimates, we’re facing an output shortfall of almost 14% of GDP over the next two years, or around $2 trillion. Others, such as Goldman Sachs, are even more pessimistic. So the original $800 billion plan was too small, especially because a substantial share consisted of tax cuts that probably would have added little to demand. The plan should have been at least 50% larger.

Now the centrists have shaved off $86 billion in spending — much of it among the most effective and most needed parts of the plan. In particular, aid to state governments, which are in desperate straits, is both fast — because it prevents spending cuts rather than having to start up new projects — and effective, because it would in fact be spent; plus state and local governments are cutting back on essentials, so the social value of this spending would be high. But in the name of mighty centrism, $40 billion of that aid has been cut out.

My first cut says that the changes to the Senate bill will ensure that we have at least 600,000 fewer Americans employed over the next two years.

The real question now is whether Obama will be able to come back for more once it’s clear that the plan is way inadequate. My guess is no. This is really, really bad


Seed 02-07-2009
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I am not sure to say! Perhaps they could be right. I personally think recovery is already starting in the trenches. Although more bleeding is ahead!  It is a mistake to overstimulate! If they put money in infrastructure. Build bridges, water / treatment plants, N - Power Plants, At least the 16 permitted!  Then there  will not be enough pumps! This is only our industry. It will come around. It's your money they are spending. Let's not quit on AMERICA!

Bob 02-07-2009
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There were enough pumps here in Hotlanta to do all that work. There ARE enough pumps.

I am a greedyass greedy guy. I want all of the stimulant put to work - putting us to work. I don't have time to wait for it to trickle down from Wall Street; and neither does our country.

Enough, too much or not enough; who knows; all I care about is where.

Seed 02-08-2009
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I was told one time there was 250 pumps in the Huston area. Is this true?

bigstick 02-08-2009
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I truly thought I was done arguing with people on this website, however i've decided to give you people some facts.  Obamas stimulus plan will create 4 million jobs, withe the amount of money set aside for this job creation it will cost taxpayers between 220 thousand and 270 thousand per job.  I am not a brain surgeon but with the average famiily income around 45000 this is not good math.  Someone needs to inform me how this works.  Maybe I can get one of these 220 thousand a year jobs.  I've had some really good years, but never this good.  If someone can tell me how this is good for MY country I am open for education.  This kind of spending did not work in the thirtys,  nor did it work with Jimmy Carter.  It is NOT going to work now.  I am convinced if everyone would stop watching the news for two weeks the economy would improve more than this stimulous bill will ever do. 

Dr. 02-08-2009
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This package is 40 years worth of Liberal spending.  This is the biggest waste of money that I have ever seen. Please explain how spending 250000+ perjob created will help our country.  I guess BOB thinks that the Government is the source of wealth in this country.   And if the States run out of money tooooo BAD  STOP SPENDING  you idiots. 

johnjohnjohn 02-08-2009
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seed; i'm in houston now, and there are NOT 250 in the area. 250 is probably true of the entirety of east texas from longview to corpus christi, and i'll tell you right now that that number is dwindling. my boss is liquidating as much iron as he can now to bring our operations down to a more managable number. which is good though. because we are slowly weeding out the ready mix drivers who made the jump for the so called "easy money".

thomas 02-08-2009
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Paul Krugman and Al Gore prove that the Nobel Prize isn't only for smart people. Krugman is an economist who believes that deficits don't matter and Gore is a "do as I say not as I do" environmentalist who panders junk science in hopes of putting corporate america under the heel of the govt. Bush & Obama may have beaten him to it.

crazycreter 02-08-2009
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I'm with bigstick on this one, the media is outa control with this.

If watch more than two minutes of financial news, I fall into a wrist slashing depression.

And if I hear any more about how the economy is hurting our pets and unclaimed animals, im gonna scream.

Makes one long for the good old days where the  presidents were scandalous and the pumpers were busy.!

Bob 02-08-2009
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I am on the same side as BigStick (gasp)

We are selling our childrens future for expensive jobs and PORK.

Give us work, not promises that are too expensive to keep.

B.J. 02-08-2009
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Im also with Bigstick. Why are alot of companies laying off people. Because nobody is spending money on anything right now Why, because we see and hear the media talking about the economy being so bad and what do we do. SAVE OUR MONEY. Im only 30 so I wouldnt know but Ive heard that our economy is only half as bad right now as it was in 1982. so what happend then.


Also how is it that the only ones being laied off are true americans. At least that is the way it is here. We live in a society that is way to politcally correct. lets get down to earth and the truth, get the h*** out.

Sorry if that was too harsh. No im not. OK Im done

TooTall 02-08-2009
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 That's funny bigstick, I just replied to your post titled "non conformist" and suggested that you should watch less TV!

 Its true, TV and media are the engine of propaganda! You dont have to turn it off just change the channel? History channel, Discovery, ESPN, Outdoor channel... If its not funny or a fight, or does'nt involve catch'n or kill'n or any other sport, Dont watch it?

 The old saying has never been more true..."NO news is good news"!