What to do What to do??
B.J. 02-01-2009
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I am not on of the "Players". We are a small company with 2 booms(32&36 putz) and 2 line pumps. We are dedicated to keeping our prices UP and servicing our customers the way they deserve. But what the hell do you do when you have companies going to your customers and pumping for 300-400 FLAT, NO TRAVEL, NO FUEL, AND NO YARDAGE. I can somewhat understand from the contractors point of view esp. with the market the way it is. So how do we get these companies to understand what they are doing to the industry and GET THEM TO STOP.Like many of yall have said now is the time when prices need to go up. I mean pumps are some of the most costly and the highest maintance machines in the biz but yet everyone wants us to cut them the BREAKS. Do you think the finishers are goung to finish a slab for 20cents a foot. or a foundation guy is going to set walls for flat rates (below 500) How about a crane company sending a crane out for nothing. I DONT THINK SO. So why does it have to be us. We need to come together and get through this together. I have always said that competing is good. but lets compete for quality and service not hundreds of dollors. PUMP ON AND PUMP HARD. All yea How about XLIII I dont like Pittsburg but what WOW way to go!

bmxican 02-01-2009
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If you realy think about it we are the chepest bill on the job but were the most importnent but we get f###D every day

mytfynsunshine 02-02-2009
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Amen, brother.

TooTall 02-02-2009
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We're not only the cheapest bill but we are also the ones with the most invested on the entire job! Alot of times we are even more invested than the GC, We have greater insurance with expensive equipment, We have alot to lose yet little to gain?

B.J., The only thing you can do is "your best". When your customers stray to your cheap ass competition, let them get a taste of what kind of service comes with a cheaper bill. If the operators dont send your customers running back to you then their salesmen or dispatchers will run them off eventually by pushing a 12:00 pour back to 3:00 and sticking them with the RM stand by charges. Just be one or even two steps better than they are and your sheep will return soon enough...  and say a prayer to the Pump Gods!

pudg 02-03-2009
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sounds a little like one of boomers little demon childs may have come to your area dont even try and compete be loyal to the ones loyal to you and continue providing top notch service and as TT said the wayward sheep eventually will find there way home and us little dogs will keep on barking while the big ones continue to lose equipment and business due to  poor business practices I say f-ckm and feedm fishheads