What to do when you're rained out?
WgtnPumps 11-26-2018
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Hey guys

I live in an area that gets a lot of rain so I'll lose a lot of productive hours/days (and weeks if we're really unlucky).

Do any of you have bright ideas about how to use the pump/staff productively on those days? I've got my labourer on wages so it's not too bad, but my senior pumper is on salary so there's a lot of time I'm paying out.


ShortStik 11-28-2018
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for an operator, clean, clean fleet/yard and training.  get tickets and seals.  wimis, first aid, fall protection, defensive/aggressive driving, fork/gini/bobcat tickets, knuckle picker, class 1, air brake refresher. for office, cfo ticket, accounting and first aid.   i realize these are not free, though are a huge right off here and if the door is revolving it may not be worth the time of other employees to organize though practice makes perfect.  safety gets jobs and informed people help everybody.

i wont go salary pumping (unless 6 figures net lololololol).  when there nothing to do, which is not often with a boom, i have no problem stayin home, stayin dry/warm,  and not spend money.