WHITE CONCRETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
johnjohnjohn 11-18-2008
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worse than 2% calcium.
160 yards, one move, and the agitator refused to move for the last three trucks. my hose man was covered in the stuff by the end. no matter what, that s*&t pumps hard and splashes like a bastard. i used about 30 gallons of water to hose my hopper before filling my hose with water,flat on the ground, stuffing my sponge in, and sucking it back nice and slow from that position. it was soup i tell you.

kneerick 11-18-2008
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your first time with white cement,you know your supposed to pour it wet,wet it's kinda like an 11 sack mix you should try it when it's 1oo deg's outside!

Bob 11-18-2008
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I never pumped any. Why is it hard to pump?

ruck 11-18-2008
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I'm with Bob on this one.I've pumped alot of concrete, But I've never heard of it. Maybe it's called something else up here.


johnjohnjohn 11-18-2008
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this was my second time personally. but if you have to move...i did work for a company that lost the pipe three times with the same pump on the same job on different days. yes i was involved with the boom party.
white concrete is usually used on exposed exterior facades on buildings. this was on the edge of the roof level. i don't know what it is that makes it white, but whatever it is, it accelerates the mud faster than you can think about re-circulating.
this is the one exception to pumping where i have no patience and refuse to stop until the pour is done. it sucks for the finishers but they don't have to buy $16,000 pipes.

kneerick 11-18-2008
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white cement has just that a lot of cement and color in it usually used in architectural pours like fountains pools walls,etc. it's not that it's hard to pump,it just flashes faster than you realize,it's kinda like pouring concrete on the freeway wHere you can drive on it in a couple of hours.if you'RE having trouble pumping it or if the crew is slow you might want to think about retarder or short loads and when the truck is empty DON'T WAIT..... RECIRCULATE!!!


TooTall 11-19-2008
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That crap is rediculous!! Its 10 + sac w/ calcium! That stuff will never go in any pump I ever run. Do NOT turn the pump off unless there's another load ready and waiting or the job is complete!!

Ernie 11-19-2008
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Have a job going on here in Kansas City, at the Federal bldg.  all white concrete colums, walls, on the entry way.  Takes no time at all to flash.  White portland cement,  Nasty and makes concrete very hot.  Would rather pour high early than mess with this.  Always have chipping hammer at the ready.  LOL

kneerick 11-20-2008
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dont forget your sugar