who is pumping there ?
concrete canon 07-26-2009
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I was a bit bored and was browsing on google maps. when scrolling over the south end of manhattan my eye spotted a concretepump on statestreet in front of the ferry dock anyone??

pumpjockey 07-26-2009
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You do know that the satelite photos GoogleMaps and GoogleEarth are sometimes several years old?

But it's very interesting nonetheless.

Link: http://tinyurl.com/lrwvz4

Enlarge, and scroll down below the placemarker.  She's a big boom, thats for sure!!

green gold 07-26-2009
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If i was to have a bet............I think that Casa out of the Bronx are the ready mix and the boom is from 'pump it' from Huntington, Long island. 

green gold 07-26-2009
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And if its not them its "our rental corp"

AK1 07-26-2009
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i dont know of that one but mine has now changed i thought for me it was a once in life time deal for sure so i saved it in eagle river Alaska

block 07-26-2009
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I think thats wagners pump at the twin tower site

green gold 07-26-2009
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its not the twin towers as that site is north of rector street!

PourItOut 07-26-2009
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cool pic, I'm in outer space!!! POUR IT OUT