Winter Class in Fargo
Travelteck 02-05-2011
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Winter Class in Fargo

I wanted to give out a big Thank You to Tom Wenner of Advance Equipment Co of St.Paul Minnesota.

Last week Feb. 1-3 while most of the Midwest and all points around the compass were getting buried in winter storms we were warm and well fed at the Putzmeister Pump Maintenance School.

It took a lot of hard work and hours of phone time on Tom’s part to coordinate and corral over 30 customers from Owners, operators and mechanics. The accommodations and Facilities of the Fargo Ramada were outstanding, lending to a great place to get out of the cold and prepare for the upcoming season of pumping.

Topics covered ranged from Safety, Maintenance, Operation as well as Hydraulic, Electrical service and operation, I have to say the customers that attended  stepped up to get as much out of the class as they could, are also to be commended for their attention and participation in the class the discussions were lively and informative.


We spent 2.5 days in the classroom and then Precision Concrete Placement a local customer opened up his shop to the group and we had a day of Hands on application to “Feel” what they had learned in the class.


With the economy in the state it is, spending the time and money for training has been tougher for customers to send personnel to the factory for training, and though it is still available and encouraged we have always looked to the field to offer continuing support, with the help of Dealers and individuals to join in.


If you would like to look into this as an option we at PMA would love to talk, we can do courses on location to help continue the education of operators and maintenance professionals to be safer and more competitive in the industry we work in.

As well as looking into attending any one of the classes offered at Putzmeister Factory Training. Check out the web site Click on the Parts and Service Tab to learn more.


Once again I personally want to say Thanks to all that attended and worked hard to make this a wonderful experience for all. I look forward to working with you all in the future.

Be safe and  “Keep the rubber side down”

Alan Woods AKA Travelteck


Travelteck 02-05-2011
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