winter lay off
baddassduramax 12-03-2007
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got laid off today...who else is going to get laid off?

Bob 12-03-2007
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My first year in construction (pumping) was in Iowa. I was laid off right about now. I survived on the unemployment checks; but made the rounds every day looking for work. It wasn't long before they all realized that I was going to continue to come back and come back again. I assume that it was easier to hire me than put up with my bothering them. So back to work I went.

I wish you luck. Don't give up. Don't sit still waiting for a job to come to you.

Be a visible, in their face, pain in the butt. Perhaps then they will know that you are serious about this "pumping stuff".


Bob 12-03-2007
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Post an add that you are looking for work. Kind of a "Have remote, will travel" deal.

Seed 12-03-2007
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I used to take a lay off every year. I would get done the last day of December and go back the 1 st of May. It worked for me but it is hard to live on unemployment! Good Luck!

Any Pump 12-03-2007
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move to england ; good operators in big demand' weather conditions never get that bad here

hammah 12-03-2007
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im on partial right now started last week. this is the first year out of my seven years this has happened. i found out alot of the new guys here are diving there rates down. i even heard of this 2 young guys pumping for $100.00 per job. makes me sick to lose customers to some guys who dont know anything about this industry.

in honolulu alone theres 23 pump companies 2 years ago there was only about 5. i think thats too much for such a small island.


oh well merry cristmas C=

why not 12-03-2007
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I have been with the same company for twelve years. They laid me off over the phone last thursday,nice.I have never been laid off before.

ChumpswithPumps 12-03-2007
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I may not be able to help you in the long term but I know of an opening starting tomorrow. Send me a PM with qualifications, work history etc. and I'll try to help.If you respond quickly perhaps we can get you some Christmas money. Did you notice I DIDN'T use Xmas-but really, 7:00 mud!

Boom Out 12-03-2007
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Whynot, give me a call. We're not that busy, but there are days here and there that we have a hard time covering everything (not much lately). It wouldn't amount to much, but it's something, and you aren't that far from us.

why not 12-04-2007
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Boom out I will call you next week.This week I am in class to get advanced crane cert.

Mudslinger 12-05-2007
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Chumps & BO: From an operators standpoint-THANKS!!!,Without guys like you who care about us,this would be a lonely job! !Some of us wouldn't make it

Justapumper 12-05-2007
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Well not getting laid off but, we are slower. Im still at about 30 hours now. ANd getting laid off by phone after 12 years is just plain vacant and, cold.

PumperMike 12-13-2007
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Anyone getting laid off or low hours pm me.  I can help the right operator.