World of Concrete Thanks for a few special people
Todd 02-13-2013
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I would like to thank Ken Williams Jr. of Pumpcrete the Rock Star of the Concrete Pumping industry for a great night out with him and his crew. Fiona your the best. Its always the best time we have at the World of Concrete.

I would like to thank Mike Enns and Ken Friesen of Alliance Concrete Pumps for a really nice evening, dinner was great and I loved getting to know you guys.

I would like to thank Tank of Line Dragon for the very nice dinner and his friendship over the years.

I would also like to thank Bill Murray the new CFO of Schwing you were very welcoming and I am sure you will make a great addition to Schwings team.


I would also like to thank my wife for coming with me to the show.

Todd Jr 02-13-2013
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Thanks Todd!! It`s always great to see you and Steff. It was a good show and a good time Cool