Wouldn't want to be in Libya right now.
Schwinger 02-23-2011
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Just sayin...

Todd 02-23-2011
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Was it les who ran off to Libya?

bigstick 02-23-2011
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Yes, Mr. Bullis, it was Less. He,He,He!  Could not happen to a nicer guy.

Todd 02-23-2011
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lol well that did not take long.

TooTall 02-23-2011
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 Better pack 'em back up. I hear CuBa needs a bunch of pumps,.  not sure what for though?  :,(

Vasa 02-23-2011
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TT My BIA I'm redy fore some RnR....My Dillon aero M 134 has new motor and chain . And Naval Mounts, Helicopter Mounts, Vehicle Mounts. And My Personal bag is packed , My LesBaer 1911 is cocked and locked with AP-ammo from VBR Belgium....Soon birthday for "Him" I hate the cold now , lets have some RnR in the sand !